Home Life Lessons Dear Heather Does It Feel Like A Trap?

Does It Feel Like A Trap?

Heather Kobler



Did you know that all of us have a pair of antennas? Yep, we do. They are invisible and they are located on the top, front of our heads just like ants. No one can actually see them, but we can feel them. And, they’re never wrong.

When your antennas start vibrating you should listen to them because they are telling you everything you need to know about what’s going on around you. And… if it feels like a trap, it is a trap! So, pay attention because YOU can save YOU a lot of trouble if you do. Better to be safe than sorry comes to mind.

As we mature, we accumulate information along the way. It is stored somewhere in our brains for future use. The problem begins when we overrule our alarm system and ignore what our antennas are telling us to do or not do.

We are animals after all and we have great instincts. These instincts tell you when you should stand and fight or when to take flight and these warnings can save our lives. We all know someone who just knew something was off and took some action that literally saved them from something horrible.

In the first few minutes we spend with someone we’ve never met before, you are processing information that we are receiving from their body language as well as what they are saying verbally. If “things” seem OFF, just excuse yourself and walk away. Just think of the time you’ll save. The next person you talk with could be someone you’d really enjoy as a friend for the rest of your life.

Several years ago at 3:30 in the morning “something” woke me up. I lifted my head up and seen a man standing in my bedroom door. Without thinking, I lowered my voice like a man and asked very loudly, “Who are you?” The sound of my voice actually scared me and him too! He ran away and I went after him! It was only later when I turned on the lights down stairs that I realized I had been robbed. If this man came closer to me while I was in bed, the story ends in a whole different way, so I’m grateful for my antennas!

The warning’s we get can come whether you’re speaking with a man or woman. It’s wonderful when you run into a “soul mate” along the way because sometimes they become an important part of your life. Remember, there’s no friend like an old friend for sure but it’s never too late to find a new friend.


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One Comment

  1. Betty

    May 27, 2018 at 4:22 am

    Robbers came to my apartment years ago. There wasn’t anything to steal.


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