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Raoul’s Two Cents: January 20, 2023

The Curse of Big Pharma

I just finished my Thursday counseling class and we discussed addictions and how many doctor prescriptions only exacerbate the problem. Unless you’re interested in psychology, just jump to the jokes below because I’m inspired to share what I’ve been learning.

For decades, serotonin supplement was the darling cure-all for a lot of health/mental issues but it has finally been exposed for several negative side-effects. (Pretty surprising that they are still selling the drug — way to go big pharma!).

My point is — we should be aware of the drug company’s machinery and why some (not all) doctors would rather prescribe pills than face the true symptoms of the health problem. Pill popping is the quick surface solution — it’s more convenient than having to sit down and uncover the patient’s history and how their problems started. Can you blame the doctor who only took one class about nutrients and learned the rest from the sales people of big pharma? It’s not surprising that many patients are never cured. It’s good for the doctor (ka-ching!) … bad for the patient (kaput!).

Okay, okay, maybe I’m being an alarmist spewing conspiracy theories. Sorry but I wanted to throw it out because I’m concerned for one of my friends who was recently prescribed narcotics by his neurologist. If you know someone who is taking a lot of pills and yet shows no improvement, please consider my message. It might help lead you to a better solution.

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This is why I attend classes at the Truth in Love Biblical Training Center (not to be confused with Christian Counseling). Professor Lamb calls himself a recovering psychologist because he had been a secular/clinical counselor for over 30 years but realized he was only giving band aid solutions to his patients who were not getting cured. There is no reason for patients to continue their sessions for the rest of their lives just to “feel good.” (Again, good for the doctor but bad for the patient). He realized that understanding who we really are (that we are worth a lot more than we know) and how much God loves us is key to true healing. And he backs all of this with timeless scripture. He has helped thousands of trauma victims who no longer need the crutches of a therapist. He is a leader in his field. He tackles very deep issues. In a world full of disinformation, where moralities are constantly changing, we believe truth can be found in God’s word — which has a lot more modern-day solutions than expected. But don’t take my word for it. Go to the website and see if this makes any sense.

Of course this is just me. Let me know if you disagree. TGIF people!


Joke of the Week

Thanks to Jose of Los Angeles

Art by Raoul Pascual

Parting Shots

Thanks to Art of Sierra Madre, CA.

Indeed, to get up in the morning for some people is quite an adventure in itself.

More interesting than funny. Actually, pretty perceptive to think of real situations we face, now that we have cell phones.

Thanks to Maling of New Manila, Philippines

My friend, Maling, said his funeral service is tomorrow.

Thanks to Lee of Bakersfield, CA
This really made my day.

Sounds very familiar.

I found these

My good friend (and jokester) Terry and I came up with these.

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  1. Heather

    January 23, 2023 at 5:47 am

    Yep, prescription drugs can really get someone addicted and ruin the lives of people who fall and need pain relief. Pain makes people crazy.


  2. Andre

    January 23, 2023 at 5:48 am

    Please do not forget who really drives the way doctors behave or react or practice- lawyers, litigation, multi million awards from judges(lawyers) and lawsuits.
    There are only 2 kinds of doctors- those who have been sued and those who will be sued.

    The reason new medications are very very very expensive- 80 % of the cost goes to an escrow account for future lawsuits, class action cases, and multi million awards.

    Kamusta na Raoul!


  3. Pia

    January 23, 2023 at 5:48 am

    Yup totally agree! Only Jesus is the answer to all our problems! Thanks for sharing and preaching the gospel to your readers…this is the Year of the Harvest and I believe this is when we see many prodigals (hopefully this includes our own kids) come back to Christ!


  4. Tom

    January 23, 2023 at 5:49 am

    Thanks Raoul. You are correct about Big Pharma! The pill taking is designed for kickbacks and addiction . Liked the cartoons and brought many smiles. Off this morning to sing in a choir for funeral for Husband and Wife that lived and died together.
    Now that is a good way to Exit if at all possible.


  5. Lee

    January 23, 2023 at 5:49 am

    Hi Raoul,

    Thanks for including two of the items I sent to you. I got them from a friend in Arizona who often sends these kinds of things to me. Sometimes you have already posted them, but I am glad you liked them.


  6. Oscar

    January 23, 2023 at 5:51 am

    Good Morning Raoul, I’m a big witness to mental medications as they tried many on me . I SAID NO TO ALL OF THEM. The most dangerous people are the ones with no emotions . Plus my problem was a focusing problem , my adderall was a blessing but I hope I’ll never need it again. I learned how to focus without it now . That’s cool that you’re doing this for people and I’ll keep your friend in prayer. It’s sad because people depend to much on medicine rather than trying to figure out the real problem to avoid medication.


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