Home Raoul's TGIF Running the Show

Running the Show

Raoul’s 2 Cents

The Bee Word

“Move like a butterfly, sting like a bee.”
— Muhammed Ali

bee stingSo I hired a Bee Collector to remove a thriving bee hive in one of the properties I manage. An angry little queen-protector stung me just above my eyebrows. Now the area is so swollen that it shut my left eye. I should have been more careful but I was delusional thinking I was invincible and getting stung could never happen to me.

It reminded me of the Black Lives Matter demonstrators who were marching down the streets 2 weeks ago. From proper social distancing for months, they went out into the streets as confident as I was about being immune to the bees. As expected, the cases of Covid has spiked. Strangely, the news media has not said how these new infections are directly related to the riots. Where are the protestors now? I think many are in the hospital.

If you thought that was bad, earlier today our bee guy called me up. He was frantic because he had opened a new bee hive and the bees were in the warpath. Once you open up the hive, there’s no stopping the onslaught. “Warn everybody!” he said, “Save them! Save yourself!” It turned out that this colony was the insect version of the rioters in the BLM movement — yes, you guessed it, they were Africanized bees! Already they stung the Amazon delivery man 3 times, one of the residents got stung in the stomach, the CCTV installer got it on his head and a plumber in parts unknown. Immediately, This was no small feat but I texted every single resident in the complex. So far no other incidence has been reported. I guess I saved the day.

In many ways the bees are enlarged versions of the Corona virus. We can learn from them. They’re small, they’re many and they can enter any open crevice. Someone will get stung … people just forget that it could be them. People need to stay indoors until the bees are removed from the premises. And lastly people should stay calm and not be discouraged because this too shall pass.

Due to the recent spike, plans to celebrate July 4th have now been cancelled in many cities. But do we really need fireworks to remind us of our freedom when politicians continue to bicker and demonstrators take over the cities? This is true freedom in action. Happy Birthday America!

Be safe, be healthy, and BEE careful about  dem bees! TGIF people!


Joke of the Week

Thanks to Peter Paul of S Pasadena, CA for sharing this joke.

TGIF Joke of the Week: Running the Show

Video: Diet Deaths

Thanks to Mike of New York

Video: Unlikely Friendship

Thanks to Don of Kelowna, B.C.

Video: Carrot Clarinet

Thanks to Don of Kelowna, B.C.

Video: Animal Concert

Thanks to Don of Kelowna, B.C.

Rodney’s Puns

Thanks to Rodney of Manitoba, B.C.

Rodney's Puns: Koalifications

Parting Shots

Thanks to Naomi of N Hollywood, CA

Parting Shots: Now Playing


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  1. Philip

    July 20, 2020 at 8:09 am


    That really stinks. I got stung inside my ear when I was a kid. That was probably as painful as your sting.

    Heal fast and have a Safe and Sane 4th of July!

    Have an awesome day,


  2. Art

    July 20, 2020 at 8:10 am

    Happy 4th Raoul!


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