Home Raoul's TGIF 5 Deadly Sins

5 Deadly Sins

Raoul’s 2 Cents

The View From My Cave

I feel a little better today. More tests are needed but my doctor thinks I’m gonna survive.

Since my illness, I have been hibernating inside my cave so I feel like Rip Van Winkle waking up to a different world. Seems like I haven’t opened my email for weeks. I glimpse at the headlines and popular videos and here’s a random list of what I observe. See if you agree with me.

Media hasn’t changed. Biased reporting and omission are still the same in both sides of American politics. Now that Trump is no longer around, there’s not a lot of shouting (although I hear a little tweak from his small corner in the world). Late night talk is boring (although they try their best to be sensational). Some dare poke fun at Pres. Biden sleeping and falling down the stairs but I want to know how he is really doing. I heard he’s going to build a trillion dollar government infrastructure. That should be good, right? I wonder why VP Kamala is laughing a lot when she is confronted with some serious questions. Isn’t she supposed to be the border czar? Why do I see droves of illegals crossing the border (thousands everyday I heard) … many children in cages? Are they infected? Are they getting vaccinated before the American citizens? I notice gas price is a dollar more than last year. Weren’t we oil independent? Weren’t we even exporting oil? Is it at the expense of Climate Change? Didn’t everybody (from both sides) hate Governors Cuomo and Newsom? What’s the secret to their staying power?

I heard George Floyd’s killer (I could never remember his name) is declared guilty. Last year it was all about White violence against the Blacks. This year it’s about Asian violence … funny that they’re afraid to mention the race that is doing most of the violence. There’s a sale in Aldi’s — blueberries for 99 cents a pack! There are lots of toilet paper! Whoopie! Our butts are saved! The education system is finally holding in-person classes. My grand kids are happy. The restaurants are finally open. I wish I could say the same for other businesses. Many shops around me are bankrupt. The shopping malls are still empty. Local air travel is available. The stock market is in a roller coaster ride. Investment forecasters are contradicting each other. Where do you invest?

Covid in the US is dwindling down but not in Asia including the Philippines, India, Japan and more. There, life has gone from bad to worse as doctors and nurses are dying. The rest are scrambling for less effective vaccines — and they’re even paying good money for it! “It’s better than nothing,” they say. I’m praying for them. There’s a civil war in Myanmar — what a mess! China is extending its borders in the South China sea and about to swallow Taiwan. American battleships are floating close by. Russia is about to pounce on Ukraine. With no restriction, Iran is getting closer to developing their nuclear weapons. Israel has launched several attacks for their survival. Poor Prince Philip passed away but Queen Liz is still alive and kicking. Meanwhile in Hollywood … nah! … who cares about Hollywood?!

Are my perceptions accurate? Am I missing something? You guys decide if things are good or bad. I’m  crawling back to my cave to sleep. Wake me when the war’s over.

TGIF People!


Nothing Lasts Forever

Joke of the Week

Rodney was one of my closest friends. He was very creative and he would make up his own jokes. Here is one of his jokes.

TGIF Joke of the Week: 5 Deadly Sins

Video of the Week

Thanks to Don who shared this sad, sad video

Parting Shots

Thanks to Art of Sierra Madre, CA

Parting Shots: Covid19 Rules

Thanks to Mel of Washington D.C.

Parting Shots: 2020 Vision

Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA

Parting Shots: Social Distancing for Campers

Thanks to Peter Paul of South Pasadena, CA

Parting Shots: Oh no Toto!


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  1. Ernie

    April 27, 2021 at 2:51 pm

    Hope you are on the road of recovery based on your initial report.
    Enjoying TGIF during this Covid-19 lockdown.
    My opinion…. Covid-19 is world wide, emanating from China??
    A punishment for mankind who have been absorbed by gadgets,
    video games on their iPhones and cellphones.


  2. Heather

    April 27, 2021 at 2:52 pm

    Yep. You got it right and you’re not alone. Can’t watch the news, afraid of Bidens next stupid move. Dreading the soldiers etc that we will lose in any conflict we get in to. Oh well, rolling over to the other side. Over and out. Heather


  3. Tom

    April 27, 2021 at 2:53 pm

    Loved it.

    You missed that today is the feast day of Saint George. I had a brother named after him but was seldom known for Saint like attitudes. Wikipedia has a great history of George and the Dragon he slayed from all different Faiths , Islamic , included. The Dragon in one history claims it was Diocletian the Roman that ended up killing him Reading about him made me appreciate the Brother I had named for him. Life is a riddle at times and hard to figure but I will continue praying for your improvement and exiting that cave you have been in. Tom


  4. Melanie

    April 27, 2021 at 2:53 pm

    THANK YOU Raoul for the laughs!

    May you rest wisely & heal well.




  5. Mike

    April 27, 2021 at 2:54 pm

    I pray you’re OK!
    We all need to survive now!


  6. Shag

    April 27, 2021 at 2:54 pm

    i liked your view from the cave. Everything is on point. Sad commentary, but true. My heart breaks a lot more these days.

    AND, YES!! That’s exactly what I said about those doing the anti-Asian hate crimes!!! WTF!!! They’re afraid of their tormentors, so they torment the people they feel powerful over? F’d up!

    Hope you’re getting better, Raoul, we need you, your insight and your humor for eons to come!!!



  7. Charles

    April 27, 2021 at 2:55 pm

    I think you are doing good during the pandemic. Take care.


  8. Regie

    April 27, 2021 at 2:56 pm

    I cant stand it any longer. Praying for your life inspite of your brown skin. Good luck! Unsubscribing now!!
    Ang hindi marunong lumingon… natitisod.


    • Raoul

      April 27, 2021 at 3:18 pm

      Pareng Regie,

      Whoa! What happened? Did I say something wrong?

      How did I forget where I came from? If it was about the border, hindi Pinoy ang pumapasok.

      Speak to me. I want to know.


  9. Jeff

    April 27, 2021 at 3:17 pm

    A little early, aren’t you. [Referring to my sending this email 1 hour earlier than normal] I’m thinking I should discipline myself and wait until 12:01 to read it.


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