Home Raoul's TGIF The Almighty Badge

The Almighty Badge

Raoul’s 2 Cents

Silly TV Shows

Some of you are gonna hate me for this observation so before hand, let’s be clear that this is just my opinion.

I’m traveling with my wife. We don’t subscribe to cable so one of my routines is to turn on the hotel TV and look at what “the rest of America is watching.”  Some shows are truly interesting but a majority are disappointingly stupid.

I see reality shows of people sharing beauty secrets and recipes oozing with decadence, girls fighting over sleazy boyfriends, sports analysis galore, rehashed political opinions ad nauseum, and old (really) old B-rated TV shows. Oh, and then there are those commercials. Cars that promise to make you the envy of friends and neighbors, Fast Food that are scrumptily delumptiously unhealthy and lawyers that will fight their own mother to win you your case. What a silly world we live in.

Feed the population with stupid media and you get stupid citizens. That’s what I say. If you’ve been drowning in these shows since forever, you may have already lost your sensitivity. I just thought I’d share this observation looking at things from the outside. If you share my observation, my question to you is WHY? Why are you still subscribing to that stuff?

But of course, this is just me.

Pardon me, while I get back to my vacation!

TGIF people!

Clint Eastwood on Stupidity

Joke of the Week

Thanks to Charlie of  New Jersey for sharing this joke.

TGIF Joke of the Week: Almighty Badge

Don’s Puns

From Don’s collection of puns

Don's Puns: How Dairy

You ain’t ever seen a wave like this.

Shared by Don of Kelowna, BC


Parting Shot

Thanks to Naomi of N Hollywood, CA who shared this.

Parting Shot: Never Again

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  1. Tom

    December 13, 2019 at 9:36 am

    You are correct on the TV shows Tis a waste of time.. Took my spouse to see Downton Abbey the other day as I had heard so much about the TV show and it was interesting but not something I had to see but costuming and story were fun to see.

    Take care and Keep the Faith Tom


    • Raoul

      December 13, 2019 at 9:36 am

      Thanks for your comment Tom. Few admitted that TV wasn’t good for you.

      A friend of mine loved Downtown Abbey … watched it twice. Maybe you need to be a fan to appreciate it.


  2. Shaneel from South Africa

    December 13, 2019 at 9:37 am

    Good day

    I am all the way from South Africa and have been subscribed to your emails for almost ten years now.

    Thank you



    • Raoul

      December 13, 2019 at 9:38 am

      Hi Shaneel.

      Good to hear from you. Ten years! Wow! I’m encouraged and impressed. I was hoping to visit your country and help start your college kids into forming their own business through the Rotary but we couldn’t get the funding.

      Glad you are part of my Friday fun.



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