Raoul’s Two Cents: November 11, 2022
Near the End of the Line
WARNING: Very personal. Very Spiritual
I am still here in the Philippines taking care of my Dad. Several of you have sent me warm greetings and prayers. I can’t thank you enough. (I put some of them on the TGIF Joke section of this Travelingboy.com website). Perhaps that is the reason my Dad made it through. I came here to bury him but he doesn’t want to get into his coffin yet. I was concerned because he was delirious for a few days. He would stare blankly into space tinker with something in the air and talk to people who weren’t there. But after he slept continuously for 2 days, he’s back to normal. At least for now.
A few of you have shared how difficult it was to see your loved one move on the next life. Death brings us all together. Tears welled up in my eyes as I massaged his bony, wrinkled feet. It’s difficult to watch “Superman” (so strong and full of life) turn into helpless Clark Kent.
Dad said he wanted to die already. I am ready to accept the inevitable. I’ve shared the Gospel to him several times. I want to make sure that he truly understands that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven.
This reminds me of an old song:
I Wish You Jesus
I could wish you joy and peace
To last a whole life long
I could wish you sunshine
Or a cheerful little song
Or wish you all the happiness
That this life could bring
But I wish you Jesus
But I wish you Jesus
But I wish you Jesus, more than anything
I could wish you leaves of gold
And may your path be smooth
I could wish you treasures
Or that all your dreams come true
And I could wish you paradise
May everyday be spring
But I wish you Jesus
But I wish you Jesus
But I wish you Jesus, more than anything
Cause when I wish you Jesus
Well I’ve wished you everything!
For a man who is counting the days or hours before he meets his maker, the question: “Who is Jesus to you?” is the most important one he needs to wrestle with … the same question we all need to wrestle with.
TGIF people!
Happy Veteran’s Day! Thank you for your service!
” And just as each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgment.”
–— Hebrews 9:27
Joke of the Week
Thanks to Maling of New Manila for this clever joke.

Parting Shots
Thanks to Maling of New Manila

These I found.

November 12, 2022 at 1:44 pm
Hi Raoul,
I read your message this morning about caring for your father. I’m so sorry both he and you are going through this difficult time.
I would encourage you to try to capture and remember the moments when you can have a nice conversation with him, when you can tell one another how much love you share. You will remember those moments fondly.
Your father and you are in my prayers. Take good care of yourself.
Be well, my friend.
November 12, 2022 at 1:45 pm
I will pray. He is so blessed to have you as a son who cares so deeply for him.
November 12, 2022 at 1:45 pm
Praise the Lord! Still praying.
November 12, 2022 at 1:47 pm
I shared it to all of Deb’s family members.
Prayers for you and your father!
November 12, 2022 at 1:47 pm
I shared it to all of Deb’s family members.
Prayers for you and your father!
November 12, 2022 at 1:49 pm
I think it’s a privilege if you can be at the bedside of a parent sibling or friend at the end of their life. Most people are afraid to be present when someone passes away, and I find that their relatives sometimes wait till they leave the room to go to the restroom to actually pass away. And you went all the way around the world to be at his bedside and you went to visit your mother in her lifetime too. As I mentioned before you are the good son, and you’re good to those around you. I consider those things to be a home run. Good for you! See you whenever you get back, take care of yourself my friend.
November 12, 2022 at 1:50 pm
I look forward to reading these on Fridays. Thank you for spreading God’s Word.
Ysenia G
November 12, 2022 at 1:51 pm
I look forward to reading these on Fridays. Thank you for spreading God’s Word.
November 12, 2022 at 1:52 pm
Hi Raoul.
Thanks for sharing your life , thoughts and some jokes today.
I think of you with your Dad. God is with you both. I appreciate your clear understanding and sharing of the Gospel.
My prayers are with you that you can trust in Gods timing. This is often the hardest thing.
November 12, 2022 at 1:53 pm
Hello, Raoul!
I’m glad to hear about your Dad’s health improvement, what a relief!
I would like to share with you our experience with my Mom. She moved here in the 80s but in the last few years, dementia took a toll on her health. My siblings and I took turns taking care of her because we were brought up to care for our elderly.
The thought of putting her at a Nursing home facility was never a consideration.
As dementia worsened, there were times it became difficult to even feed her. She had periods of hallucinations and anxiety. She lost weight and had no interest in doing what she enjoyed before. We hired a fantastic Filipino caregiver who made my Mom feel comfortable, thank God! She cooked Filipino food for my Mom which was a big plus since she was able to eat more.
In spite of all the care and attention she received, dementia continued to progress. We decided to fly her back home to stay with our Ate, the only sibling living in the Philippines.
To this date, even with dementia, my Mom’s condition improved tenfold. We are able to communicate via FaceTime and now she even look healthier.
My Mom’s improvement has a lot to do with familiar places, the food and way of life which brought back good memories to her, just my two cents worth.
Anyway, the TGIF jokes definitely bring smiles on our faces. Thank you.
More power to you and continue your positive outlook in life. God bless.
November 12, 2022 at 1:54 pm
Hi Raoul,
This is an uplifting TGIF today! I’m glad to hear your dad is a feisty ole coot!! Good for him! Prayers have been answered. God is good.
Have a wonderful weekend.
November 12, 2022 at 1:56 pm
Keep up the good words with your Dad. I will keep Praying for both of you.
Tom of Pasadena.
Great Celebration at City Hall today complete with invocation and Benediction for Vets and their Families.
November 12, 2022 at 1:57 pm
Hi Raoul,
Thanks for sharing. Have A Nice Day.
November 12, 2022 at 1:58 pm
Hi Raoul, i prayed for the best regarding your Dad’s condition.
Best regards!
November 12, 2022 at 9:26 pm
Good day!
Hearing what happened to your father brought a mixed emotions to us. Sad to hear he’s about to depart and peace knowing that he’s been suffering for so long.
Your capacity to minister to him gave us confidence that he has the assurance of salvation.
With great desire, we wanted to visit him, however, we are deprived by an opportunity to do so since we lack of people who are mature enough to do the ministry. As to myself, I am not physically conditioned to make such ministry.
Praying for God’s grace to sustain you to take care of him until the end.
November 12, 2022 at 9:26 pm
Hello Bro,
I hope you are doing okay. Prayers continue for Dad and all his loved ones. Hang in there brother!
Love to you all.
November 12, 2022 at 9:31 pm
Good morning my dear brother Raoul
I just woke up and what did I see? Your TGIF email as always. It explained some things I didn’t know. For example, you are trying to teach your Father the Gospel. So good to hear. When you said you were concerned about his salvation, his belief status was something I z was very concerned about and expressed to all my church brethren. We pray for divine blessings and grace for all God’s creatures.
Heaven and Earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away
Mathew 24:35
I have heard your prayer and seen your tears, I will help you
2 Kings 20:5
I am very proud of you for taking care of your Father. Anything I can do to help you in that effort is my pleasure.
Blessings and prayers
Your brother in Christ