Home Raoul's TGIF The Best Seller

The Best Seller

Raoul’s 2 Cents

Sin City

I am rushing this TGIF edition on the 8th floor of a hotel in Las Vegas Nevada. No, I’m not on some important mission. I’m just my wife’s driver to her conference. It took us about 5 hours to get here from Los Angeles, CA.

The last time I was here was over 20 years ago. Several times between then and now I had been given free hotel accommodations through some special promo but I just was never interested. Even on my way coming here I wasn’t really thrilled about coming here. I wonder why?

This is my second evening here and I have yet to go to the famous “strip.” I asked some of the locals what they would recommend I visit and none of their suggestions got me interested. Yeah, they’re got shows — big deal. They’ve got dancing lights … yeah, maybe. They’ve got night life galore … hmmm, not that interested. They’ve got casinos! So? Everything they touted, we have in Los Angeles as well.

Nevada used to build curiosity with it’s slogan that used to be “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.” If you didn’t notice, they haven’t used that in the ads ever since the mass shooting from a deranged lone gun man a few months ago. I guess the secret is out — nothing good happens in Vegas.

So what’s the draw for Nevada? Nothing! —- At least for me. Sure I’ll probably take some selfies with scenic pictures but call me a Puritan because I have no craving for anything here in Vegas whatsover. I guess that’s a good thing.

And then it dawned on me why I was not interested. “Sin City” is still “Sin City” but so are a whole other cities. The cancer (if you can call it that) has metastasized. Now that’s pretty sad.

But this is just me.

TGIF people!

Joke of the Week

Big Mistake

Shared by Ray of Burbank, CA

Joke of the Week: Best Selling Book

Videos of the Week

funny video

The Muppets Do Bohemian Rhapsody
Sent by Art of Sierra Madre, CA

Here’s a classic.


spiritual videoThe History of Thanksgiving
Sent by Art of Sierra Madre, CA

How well do you know your history?


Don’s Puns

From Don’s collection of puns

Tom's Puns: Turning Vegan

Parting Shot

Thanks to Don of Kelowna, B.C. who shared this photo

Parting Shot: Daylight Saving Time


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  1. Marilyn

    November 29, 2018 at 11:15 am

    Thanks Raoul,



  2. Rick

    November 29, 2018 at 11:16 am

    Good Morning Bro,
    Thanks for the TGIF and try and enjoy your stay in L.V.. I haven’t been in about 8 years, but I do like the bright, colorful lights that shine on the strip at night. Not so crazy about some of the knuckleheads roaming the strip.
    Take care,



  3. Chuck

    November 29, 2018 at 11:17 am

    Hi Brother,

    To let you know I share much the same thoughts with you about Lost Wages – “the
    wages of sin are ,,,” But here is another thought on that subject; Max
    Pascua was my barber for many years – his father was Philippino and his
    mother was German and he grew up in Culver City / Venice, he and his wife
    Jean lived in Spyglass, Wh, then moved to Hacienda Heights – he moved back
    – he now rests in Rose Hills. A born again on fire Christian – so I know
    where Max really is. His widow, Jean Pascua, a retired school nurse just
    moved to Las Vegas to be close to her sons family. He and his wife
    recreantly returned as missionaries in the Philippines. He serves as a
    Calvary Chapel Pastor in L.V, and I know his Dad would be blessed to know
    that he is in the work of Saving souls in Lost Wages. I am not sure which
    C.C. l he is at, but he and his wife are Youth Pastors. Remember Jonah
    didn’t want to go to Sin City either. Just my thoughts.

    God is good,

    (:>}) – Brother Chuck


  4. Mike

    November 29, 2018 at 11:18 am

    If you are still there get a White Castle burger or two. the dbl cheese
    are good with fries and a vanilla shake and dip the fires.

    Mike B


  5. Tom

    November 29, 2018 at 11:18 am

    I feel the same way about Vegas. It is just too phones, cold and uninteresting.



  6. Ana

    November 29, 2018 at 11:19 am

    We go to Vegas because our son and his can’t live there. We’ve learned to go in the middle of the week. Never again on a weekend. Wishing you and your family a Blessed Thanksgiving.




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