Home Raoul's TGIF Cooter Gets a Ticket

Cooter Gets a Ticket

Raoul’s 2 Cents


I got a grateful phone call the other day. Rodger said he worked on a referral I had given him and was so excited and happy to be able to pay some of his bills. He was unusually upbeat and I shared his joy. And then he said something that I didn’t expect. He said “I’m giving you 20% commission for any referral you send my way.” To which I said, “No, this is God blessing you. Accept it all.”  He paused for a moment and continued to thank me.

If you know Rodger, he’s been having it rough for some time. He’s an honest, decent man but somehow people and circumstances have taken advantage of him. Few have treated him fairly. Most have said he did not meet their expectations. Compliments were few and far between. I’m guessing this is why he felt he needed to pay me, a good friend, for a kind deed. Dear God, take care of this beautiful man.

Did you grow up having to earn for every single reward? Sounds like many of us, huh? Many of us see strings attached to gifts. The give and take mentality has permeated society that when kindness is bestowed, we can’t even recognize it anymore. May I challenge you? Look around with a different lens. We are surrounded by so many blessings. I grew up with a weekly allowance worth 5 candies … that was enough then. What did you grow up with?

After counting all my blessings, for me, the most important blessing is the gift of salvation. You can’t buy it. You can’t earn it. It’s free. If you know what I’m talking about, you know you are blessed. If you don’t, I guess there’s a blessing waiting for you.

But this is just me.

TGIF people!

Kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give.”
— Anonymous 

Joke of the Week

Thanks to Rodney of Manitoba, B.C. for sending this joke.

Joke of the Week: Cooter and the Cop

Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA who sent this newspaper clipping

how to install a Southern Home Security System

Videos of the Week

funny video

Alexa for Seniors
Sent by Bruce of Kanub, Utah and Jeff of Pasadena, CA

Hey, I want one of these. I hope that I will still have a sense of humor when I reach that age.


oh my videoFlying in Dubai
Sent by Tom of Pasadena, CA

A thrilling and dangerous exercise. One mistake and you’re done. High quality video.


Don’s Puns

From Don’s collection of puns

Don's Puns: Turning Vegan

Heavy Thought of the Week

Sent by Rodney of Manitoba, B.C.

Heavy Thought of the Week: One Reason

Parting Shots

Thanks to Garie of Makati, Philippines who shared this

Celebrating the Year of the pig:

Parting Shot: May the Pork Be With You


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  1. Heather

    February 18, 2019 at 9:37 am

    I’m happy for your friend and laughed like crazy over the Alexa skit.


  2. Tom

    February 18, 2019 at 9:38 am

    Thanks Raoul.
    Words of Widom are so welcome when it comes to Salvation. Hope your efforts bring a fruitful response !


  3. Marilyn

    February 18, 2019 at 9:38 am

    Thanks again. You provide a good service with this column.


  4. Erika

    February 18, 2019 at 9:39 am

    Hi Raoul,

    Boy this one hit home. Thanks for the message. 🙂


  5. Merwynn

    February 18, 2019 at 9:39 am

    Thanks for sharing


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