
Raoul’s 2 Cents

Random Thoughts About the Year of the Rat

It’s almost midnight and I need to get this edition ready.

This weekend is Chinese New Year. I wonder what the environmentalists are gonna say with all the fireworks and the resulting air pollution. How come, I wonder, hasn’t any of them complained about the 4th of July fireworks in America or the nightly fireworks at Disneyland and Disneyworld? Why this free pass? Well, one thing they can’t complain to is nature — like volcanic eruptions happening right now in Taal volcano in the Philippines. That one volcano is doing more atmospheric damage than years of pyrotechnics. Sure, every little bit to help the environment counts but it still makes me wonder what much difference man can do when nature goes by its own rules. It’s like telling a man with stage 4 cancer to stop smoking.

So it’s the year of the rat. I did a little Chinese research about the “personality” of the rat and what we can expect in 2020. Is it just me or can the prophetic descriptions apply to any other zodiac sign? I think it’s a lot of baloney so I enjoy it when different “fortune tellers” have opposing prophecies. It goes to show there is no rhyme or reason for their claims. It’s hit or miss. As they say: even a dead clock will be accurate twice a day.

I believe there is a China Town in most major cities in the world. Imagine all the preparations in colorful paper mache, incense and gunpowder that will parade in these towns this weekend. What fun!

Hey, diddle, diddle
The RAT ate the fiddle
The cow jumped over the Chinese moon
A little Kung Fu, a little Confucious
Let’s celebrate with chicken, pork noodles!

Terrible poem, huh? Oh well …

TGIF people!


Joke of the Week

Thanks to Don of Kelowna, B.C. for sharing this joke.

TGIF Joke of the Week: Celibacy

Rodney’s Puns

Sent by Rodney of Manitoba, B.C.

Rodney's Puns: On Porpoise

AUDIO: A Lighthearted Look at Wedded Bliss

A funny audio clip about being married. About 25 minutes.

Focus on Family Broadcast

VIDEO: Mr. Lim’s Reunion Dinner

Thanks to Art of Sierra Madre, CA for sharing these 2 videos. They both got me teary eyed. The first is 6 Minutes long. The second is over 15 minutes long. They both give us a peek at life in Singapore. Happy Chinese New Year!

VIDEO: The Reunion Dinner

A simple family through the years. This is a mini-movie.

Parting Shot

Thanks to Jeff of Pasadena, CA who shot the picture while driving in Arcadia. I just put an appropriate meme.

On my way home from church, (Baldwin & Huntington) I set up to grab a shot when the left turn arrow lit up green.

Not sure if she thinks she knows more than the rest of us, but this is one of the few boners I haven’t pulled yet. I am wondering if she didn’t pay, though.”

— Jeff

Parting Shot: Self-Driving Car


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