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Raoul’s 2 Cents

Tonka the Mighty Dog

Tonka the Mighty DogWhen our corgi, Tonka, was a puppy, he was an excitable gnawing machine. He’d chew on the legs of the chairs, the walls, my slippers… but most of all he would strangle the necks of our 3 cats just to show them who was boss. This week I was pleasantly surprised to find all 3 cats lying in “Tonka” territory and King Tonka relaxing with them. Tonka has finally matured. They finally get along.

Wouldn’t it be nice if America matured? Instead of reacting to every news item, and stressing everyone out, can we just watch and observe? Don’t be a sucker to the news media’s little game.

Three weeks after the stormy US election day and still no official winner has been declared. Cries of foul play reverberate among the Republicans. The Democrats proceed as if they already won. Sure there are rants from both sides but I do notice “a relative” calm. Why? Campaigning is over. Convincing is over. We’re just waiting for the dust to settle. The political boxing match has transformed into the quiet excitement of a grand master chess tournament. I know we all can get passionate about our politics but no matter who wins, one thing is certain: America is truly divided; It means there are just as many people on the other side of your politics.

Be safe, be healthy, and remember: maturity isn’t based on years but based on experience. TGIF people!


Sit Back and Observe

Joke of the Week

Thanks to Mel of Washington, D.C.  for sharing these jokes.

So many enjoyed the Jewish Jokes last week that I decided to share some more from clean jokes from the old-time Jewish comedians.

Video: Contagious Laughter

Thanks to Ed of Greater Manila, Philippines

Tom’s Puns

Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA who sent this pun.

Tom's Puns: Make America Grate Again

Parting Shots

Thanks to Don of Kelowna, B.C.

Parting Shots: Trouble in Lincoln Bedroom

Thanks to Joji of Antipolo, Philippines

Parting Shots: Fairest Profile Pic

Thanks Naomi, the animal lover of North Hollywood, CA for this adorable gag

Parting Shots: Silence is Golden

Thanks to Peter Paul of S Pasadena, CA. When you look in the mirror, does this thought ever cross your mind?

Parting Shots: Reason for Safety Video


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  1. Heather

    November 27, 2020 at 6:45 pm

    Everyone in America feels like they’re on some kind of a crazy emotional rollercoaster because of the virus and now because of the election. I have never experienced anything like this in my life and it makes me ashamed of politicians in general. They all need a major tune-up and I don’t think it’s coming down the pike.


  2. Tom

    November 27, 2020 at 6:46 pm

    Thanks Raoul. Your email arrived early this week. Most welcome with all that is going on. Tom


  3. Lois

    November 27, 2020 at 6:47 pm

    Did you really say “ . . .still no official winner has been declared.” and “The Democrats proceed as if they already won.”

    Raoul, Joe Biden is President-Elect.

    Please don’t stir that malicious troll’s pot. Allow sanity to once again prevail. Please be grateful with me that this country will again have a President who doesn’t spew hate. Lois


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