Home Raoul's TGIF Friday Bike Ride

Friday Bike Ride

January 19, 2018

Greetings from a plane headed towards the East coast for vacation time and to have “fun”. I’m a bit apprehensive though because it’s supposed to be freezing out there. Brrrrr! I never got used to the cold. I’d rather sweat like a penguin in Africa than freeze like an iguana in Virginia.

My first experience with snow was traumatic. I had just started college in GWU and my big brother invited me to join him for the holidays and visit his girlfriend in upstate New York. Although I was covered from head to toe except for my eyes I was still frozen inside. Imagine a Popsicle wearing a coat and that would be me.

The girlfriend’s family treated us as part of the clan. Then one of the gals got this great idea to go cross country sledding. I never knew there was even a term for this winter torture. “It’s easy,” she said. “Just slide one foot after the other.” You kidding me? After my 10th slide, my thigh muscles seemed to be sliding down my ankles. While the girls were giggling and having so much fun frolicking in the wintry wonderland I was struggling to keep up. But the macho man in me would not accept defeat. So I endured the pain, the cold, the damp puddle inside my shoes. After the ordeal, everybody went for the hot cocoa waiting in the kitchen. I went for the soft bed in my room.

Since that day, I have never been friends with frozen water. I will face my demons in a few hours and I know I’m gonna die. I will be meeting my college friends and I will be meeting my son and his New York family. I’m praying for a miracle that the warmth of people will overcome the cold of winter.

Oh the things we do for our loved ones … and the things we do for fun!

TGIF people!

Friday Bike Ride

Contributed by Don of Kelowna, B.C.

I went to the liquor store Friday afternoon on my bicycle, bought a bottle of whiskey and put it in the bicycle basket.

Friday Bike Ride cartoon

As I was about to leave, I thought to myself that if I fell off the bicycle, the bottle would break.

Friday Bike Ride cartoon

So I drank all the whiskey before I cycled home.

It turned out to be a very good decision …

Friday Bike Ride cartoon

… because I fell off my bicycle seven times on the way home.

TGIF Videos

funny video

Staring Ice Cream Man
Drexel of Covina, California

So you’re enjoying your meal at the mall. Suddenly, you feel a strange sensation. Someone’s staring at you! What do you do?

This is a good video to understand body language.


Parting Shot

Thanks to Don of Kelowna, B.C. who provided this photo
From a Conservative Blog that can make fun of themselves. CLICK below for complete article

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