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The Domino Effect

Over the weekend an old HS classmate called right out of the blue.  He lost his job (in retail) at the start of the lock down. He had not eaten for days and was embarrassed to call but he was desperate.  He has no family. No church. No real friends. We used to hang around a lot back in high school but those days are ancient history.  He used to be a prankster so I wondered if he was up to his old tricks. But knowing how difficult it must have been to even muster the courage to ask for help, convinced me this was no trick.

Someone very close to me was laid off on Monday. The company he worked for 12 years (doing business in Hollywood) was hard hit by the pandemic. He was shocked. How was he to feed his young family? The insurance benefits are gone too. He and his wife didn’t want to show it but I knew they were in panic mode.

A long time business owner (in the car industry) who was planning to retire next year told me revenues have dropped more than 50%. He will have to let his employees go.  He’s too old to start a new business.

With countless named brands and over 100,000 small businesses declaring bankruptcy because of the pandemic, the dominoes are toppling ever so close. It is inevitable that a domino will hit you. The reality really sinks in when it happens to someone close to you. When some desperate soul comes knocking at your door, how should you respond?

In the book of Genesis, God told Joseph there was going to be 7 years of plenty and then 7 years of famine. The first seven years, Joseph was a good steward and stored as much grain as he could. On the 8th year the famine came. Joseph had stored enough grain to feed the desperate people from all over. Countless people would have died if not for Joseph.

Are you a Joseph? Is God blessing you now so you can bless someone later?

Be safe, be healthy, and remember: it’s easy to judge people until you find yourself knocking at their doors.  TGIF people!



Joke of the Week

Thanks to Peter Paul of S. Pasadena, CA for sharing this joke.

TGIF Joke of the Week: Sports Attire

Video: Dogs Make You Smile

Thanks to Mike of New York.
A montage of funny dog moments.

Video: Gandhi Does Yoga

Thanks to Art of Sierra Madre, CA

Video: You’ve Got a Friend in Me

Thanks to Vanessa of Hacienda Heights, CA.
Cute little girl and her papa.

Don’s Puns

Thanks to Don of Kelowna, B.C. who sent this pun.

Don's Puns: Minimum

Parting Shots

Thanks to Peter Paul of South Pasadena, CA

Parting Shots: Hokey Pokey

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  1. John

    August 11, 2020 at 8:42 am

    You are spot on with the domino effect – thank you for sharing Raoul.

    Have a fantastic day!



  2. Ernie

    August 11, 2020 at 8:43 am

    Raoul – Hope you’re doing well during this pandemic. I was just curious as to which HS classmate you are talking about. Please take this in the spirit it is meant, but if he is from Northern California, we have one classmate (left unnamed for the moment) [who owes people a lot of money] from way back … way before the pandemic. We think he has some sort of problem – either gambling or drugs – but won’t seek help. Please be careful how much “help” you give him. I know it sounds cruel, but monetary help won’t really help him.

    Take care and God bless.


  3. Tom

    August 11, 2020 at 8:45 am

    Thanks Raoul,
    These are times that try men’s and women’s souls and that is good like a dip in a cold ocean. Invigorating in a sense and sobering in the end to prove the worth of what our parents and Ministers have been preaching for years.

    We are not of this World and must learn to live within our means looking forward to an eternity to come.



  4. Art

    August 11, 2020 at 8:45 am

    Hi Raoul,

    So true. God has a funny way of bringing us down to reality at times.

    Take care.


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