Home Eclectic Stuff French Wine Treatment, Women Traveling Solo

French Wine Treatment, Women Traveling Solo

Hard Day's Night 2017

Question: In the Lennon/McCartney composition, ‘Don’t Let Me Down,’ who is John singing to?

Scroll down for the answer

Random Acts of Canine Kindness

Cedric the Dog takes a well-deserved break after an ill fated attempt to shut down a white supremacist rally in Idaho.

You want a friend in Washington? Get a dog. – Harry S. Truman

MORE Dog Quotations

France’s Fascinating ‘Wine Treatment’

Courtesy Melissa Banigan

wine storage at the Cave Historique des Hospices de Strasbourg
The Cave Historique des Hospices de Strasbourg made and stored wines used for treating ailments in the Hôpital civil. Photo courtesy: Melissa Banigan

In Strasbourg’s Hôpital civil, a bottle of Châteauneuf-du-Pape would be prescribed for bloating, while a Côtes de Provence rosé was used to treat obesity.


Puerto Rico Tops the List Of Most Popular Flight Destinations From the USA

New data obtained by a flight-comparison site has revealed the most popular flight destinations searched for from the USA, with the San Juan Luis Muñoz Marin Airport in Puerto Rico emerging as the most popular destination for 2019.


Chicago Summer Festivals: The Ultimate Guide

In Chicago, fest season is the best season. The city’s social calendar is packed with street fairs, music festivals, pop-up markets, outdoor concerts, food fests, and more all summer long. Don’t miss a beat with this handy guide that covers the best Chicago fests happening each month. Start making your weekend plans now.


Best Obscure French Gastronomic Restaurants

Courtesy  Anthony Peregrine, The Telegraph

Here are six slightly obscure French destinations with a surprising number of gastronomic restaurants.


5 Dangerous Hotel Habits You Can Break Today

Courtesy Joe Cortez

hotel meals

Many travelers believe their hotel rooms to be one of the safest places they can find while abroad. The hotel room becomes an immediate home away from home, giving travelers license to drop their guard as if they were in their own bedrooms. However, what they don’t realize is danger always lurks right around the corner — even in hotel rooms around the world.


Why Adventure Travel Professionals Must Care About Overtourism

superbloom in Lake Elsinore, California
Lake Elsinore, California, was unexpectedly overrun with tourists during its recent superbloom. Photo by John Fowler from Unsplash.

Overtourism has become a buzzword of sorts in the travel and tourism industry, but understanding its complexities is the first step in addressing it. We recently shared insights about what exactly overtourism is and why it is a growing phenomenon in our professional sector. To further the discussion about how to tackle this challenge, we want to share our thoughts about why everyone working in the adventure travel industry must be proactive in preventing its further growth.


The NOAA Marine Debris Program

NOAA Marine Debris Program
Photo courtesy of NOAA Marine Debris Program

Earth Day has come and gone, but that doesn’t mean good habits have to go away too! You can keep up the momentum, reduce your waste footprint, and do good for our planet, no matter where you are.


Alabama Voted As The State Americans Would Least Like To Fly To

Courtesy 10 Yetis Digital

New research has found that Alabama is the state Americans would like to fly to the least, with 35% of Americans saying they wouldn’t fly there, with Nevada and New York making up the rest of the top three. California, Hawaii and Vermont were voted most desirable.


Abbey Road album cover art

Beatle Beat Trivia Answers

Question: In the Lennon/McCartney composition, ‘Don’t Let Me Down,’ who is John singing to?

Answer: Yoko Ono, natch’.


Deb's Poetry Break

“Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art”

By John Keats

Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art—
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
And watching, with eternal lids apart,
Like nature’s patient, sleepless Eremite,
The moving waters at their priestlike task
Of pure ablution round earth’s human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors—
No—yet still stedfast, still unchangeable,
Pillow’d upon my fair love’s ripening breast,
To feel for ever its soft fall and swell,
Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,
Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,
And so live ever—or else swoon to death.

Send Deb your favorite travel poems

10 Safety Mistakes Women Shouldn’t Make When Traveling Alone

Courtesy  Caroline Morse Teel, SmarterTravel

Solo travel can be exhilarating, freeing, and helpful in learning new things about yourself. But solo travelers, especially females, can also be more vulnerable while alone on the road. We spoke to some solo women travel experts who shared their top safety mistakes to avoid when traveling alone.


Chinese Tourism to US Declines For First Time in 15 Years

Data from the National Travel and Tourism Office found travel from China to the U.S. fell 5.7 percent in 2018 to 2.9 million visitors. It marked the first time since 2003 that Chinese travel to the U.S. slipped from the year prior, The Associated Press reported.


Customer Satisfaction in Airline Travel

airline seats

A combination of newer planes, better ticket value, and improved customer touchpoints have driven overall satisfaction with airlines to its highest point in history.

Following are some of the key findings of the 2019 study:


Pickpocket-Proof Clothing: 10 Garments to Protect Your Stuff

Courtesy Sarah Greaves-Gabbadon

Aday’s Throw It Higher Leggings

Nothing sours a trip like having your belongings stolen by a pickpocket. But chances are, if you travel frequently — or just happen to be unlucky — a sticky-fingered stranger will one day secretly separate you from your stuff. Since traveling sans cash, credit cards, and other valuables isn’t an option for most of us, I’ve rounded up a passel of pickpocket-proof clothing and accessories that’ll make you less of a target for thieves.


Close Encounters of the Near-Death Kind

Courtesy Richard Collett

Photo courtesy: Richard Collett

It was a hot, humid day in Manila, and I was sat on the rooftop of my hotel, five floors high, working on my laptop and enjoying the occasional sea breeze that flew in from the bay.


National Enquirer Theme Park Opens

National Enquirer Live! has opened in Pigeon Forge, Tenn. Among the exhibits is a re-creation of the 1997 fatal car crash of Diana, Princess of Wales. Another National Enquirer Live! is coming to Branson, Mo., in late June. And no, we’re not kidding… PS, remind me to miss it.


How to Complain Effectively at a Hotel

Courtesy Charlyn Keating

Demand satisfaction when you have a valid complaint

How to Complain Effectively at a Hotel
(Click to enlarge) Photo courtesy of TripSavvy 2018

The One Country Where Anthony Bourdain Refused to Film an Episode

Courtesy, Marissa Laliberte, Reader’s Digest

Anthony Bourdain and Switzerland scene

The late Anthony Bourdain was world-famous for breaking down barriers to other countries’ cuisines, showing the world why you shouldn’t fear the unfamiliar. He rarely shied away from any crazy food choices (he once ate a still-beating cobra heart in Vietnam), but he did refuse to visit one surprising country. You’ll be surprised by the answer.

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