Home Raoul's TGIF Good and Bad News

Good and Bad News

Raoul’s 2 Cents

Chicken Little

Thank you all for your feedback last week. As expected, quite a few of you did not agree with my controversial suggestion to open businesses from the lockdown this early in the game (I posted some feedback on the Traveling Boy website). Actually, I’m not too sure myself. My real purpose was to let us start thinking with a more balanced viewpoint.

The great philosopher, Chicken Little, was walking around the hen house one day when a malicious fox threw an acorn on her head. “My goodness!” she excalimed looking up, “the sky is falling!” She runs to her friends and warns them of their impending doom. One opinionated animal after another hypothesize the logic of the sky falling. The gullible masses parrot opposing world views. Soon the hen house turns into a panic room. They rush out of the hen house and into the fox’s trap.

Ever since the pandemic started, we’ve listened to opposing arguments from fact claiming experts on both sides. There’s a whole lot of blame shifting and conspiracy theories going on. So who’s telling the truth? Only time (if we have enough of it) will tell. Before we rush out of the realm of reason, may I suggest we observe the fox (the source) who threw the acorn in the first place? What’s that guy up to?

Whether the fox spread the disease with intentional malice or not, there is a game plan hidden by the powers that be. If we continue to panic, we would have already lost the battle. Why don’t we stop, turn down the volume and pray? We can maneuver out of the fox’s trap. He will never expect it.

“Be still my soul. Be still and know that He is God.
Rest quietly. Rest in His loving arms for He is watching over you.
Ever faithful, ever true. So be still and know that He is God.”

Is the sky falling or is it just a rumor? Who cares?! With God on our side … (or better still) when we are on God’s side … who can stand against us?

Keep safe and hold on to your faith. TGIF people!


Joke of the Week

Thanks to  Peter Paul of S Pasadena, for sharing this joke.

TGIF Joke of the Week: Good and Bad

Video: Gay Dinosaur

Thanks to Janet of Whittier, CA for this short meme.

Video: Manna in Dipolog City

Thanks Enrique for this video. A few days ago thousands of fish washed up on the beaches of Dipolog, a poor small town in the Southern part of the Philippines. Is there any doubt that God provides during this troubled times?

Video: Covid Lesson

Thanks to J.J. of Manila who shared this video. Taiwan has only had 429 cases and 6 deaths, and business never stopped. What’s the secret?

Video: Two Guys Catch a Flight

Thanks to Vanessa of Hacienda Heights, CA for this dangerously entertaining clip of 2 aerial stuntmen. What would you choose? To be locked up but safe or to be free as a bird but living on the edge?

Don’s Puns

Thanks to Don of Kelowna, B.C.who loves puns. This isn’t really a pun but it’s close.

Don's Puns: Opposite of Isolate

Parting Shots

Thanks to Mario of Manila

Parting Shots: Good AM Inmates

Thanks to Art of Sierra Madre, CA. Don’t be frightened. It’s just me!

Parting Shots: Salons Opening Soon

Finally, here’s one from Naomi of N Hollywood, CA. So, you really want to wait till it’s safe to go out?

Parting Shots: 1st Day School Post Lockdown


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  1. Joanie

    May 13, 2020 at 10:49 am

    Hi Raul, just wanted to say thank you for always bringing joy on Friday’s! God bless you!

    Joyfully 🦚 Joanie


  2. Heather

    May 13, 2020 at 10:49 am

    Chicken Little is something I grew up on! Happy to say that Jacks Restaurant is opening up for take out! Went to Islands yesterday in Brea and it was awesome even eating their French fries in the car is great.


  3. Ed

    May 13, 2020 at 10:50 am

    Loved the Naomi classroom joke!

    The pandemic is a tough subject to tackle.

    Spoke to sister-in-law who lives in Yakima County – read that it is the county with the most affections for the Rocky Mtn. counties to the west coast. Only 20% of residents are wearing facemasks in stores.


  4. Thomas

    May 13, 2020 at 10:50 am

    Love it. Thank you for this insight. It was much needed.



  5. Melanie

    May 13, 2020 at 11:10 am

    Thanks for the hilarity!



  6. Betty of Australia

    May 13, 2020 at 11:11 am

    Thanks. Happy Mother’s Day too to you.
    It’s good to have a home.


  7. Rick

    May 13, 2020 at 11:12 am

    Thanks Bro, have a good weekend.


  8. Vanessa

    May 13, 2020 at 11:20 am

    I don’t know how you have time to put all of this together.

    Take care & be safe out there.


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