Home Life Lessons Dear Heather The Importance of Affection and Kissing

The Importance of Affection and Kissing

Heather Kobler

Remember when you first met your dream partner? You couldn’t wait to see them, to hug them or to kiss them. I loved it when my husband would hold me in his arms, kiss me and let me know how he felt about me in general. I think this comes under the category of, “The care and feeding of your mate”.

Affection and Kissing

The best way to start a day is by holding someone in your arms. That can be a spouse, a child or a stranger if you wish! Our skin is the largest organ in the body. If you run you hand on your own arm it feels good. That’s because we have a million little antennas on our skin and to touch and be touched is an amazing experience.

It’s sort of like affection training. If you weren’t raised in an environment with lots of affection, someone has to help you understand just how wonderful the touch of another is. If you have a cat or dog, you understand this because the moment you walk in the house, your cat or dog is giving you all the affection you can stand.

People are just like puppies and it’s almost impossible to be loved too much and dogs (especially) give you unconditional love every minute they are awake. In return for their love, we take them on walks so that they can read their email from all the other dogs in the neighborhood.

Women are very intuitive about what’s needed in a marriage. Generally speaking, you should give what you want. I have some women friends who have complained that their husbands aren’t hugging them enough. I’ve always told them that when you give a hug, you get a hug. What a concept! Does it even matter who initiates the action? I don’t think so.

After about 25 years together, that’s when the “love part” really needs to kick in. There are no allusions, you know yourself and your mate very well. If you’re fortunate, your mate can do what you can’t and vice versa. That’s a dynamite combination.

My husband and I loved spending time together and when our kids moved out of the house we went everywhere together. We could spend hours and hours together on a Saturday or Sunday. He hated driving so I was the chauffeur and I loved it every minute of our time together. We thought nothing of driving 50 miles on a Sunday for breakfast!

We always enjoyed listening to different radio talk shows. A Prairie Home Companion with Garrison Keller, Religion on the Line, Gee Dad, It’s a Wurlitzer, were just some of our old time favorites. Abbott and Costello, Laurel & Hardy and watching just about any old movie from the 40 or 50’s was soul food! It was not unusual for him to wake me up at 3:00 am to tell me Audie Murphy was on!

Dancing together in your own living room is wonderful because it doesn’t matter what you’re wearing. And, pretending that the electricity is off to relax together is amazing. Silence can be truly golden and listening to someone, really listening, is one of the nicest things we can do for one another.

I still believe that everyone should be madly and passionately in love every day of their lives. It’s good for what ails you. Pass this information on.

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One Comment

  1. Val campos

    October 28, 2017 at 2:34 pm

    I love your blog thank you so much for the time you spent with me and my soon to be wife. We really enjoyed your company and learn so much from you in so little time. Thank you
    P.s.we love your rum cake!
    Thank you , val


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