Home Life Lessons Dear Heather To Take a Pill or Not Take a Pill, That is the Question.

To Take a Pill or Not Take a Pill, That is the Question.

Heather Kobler

I have a friend who took himself to the Emergency Room yesterday because he was having heart palpitations. This has happened to him in the past, but this time something must have been different because he went to the hospital.

He was seen fairly fast and they worked him up, did a health history, EKG and blood work. He spent almost seven hours there and they recommended that he stay there overnight for observation because his blood pressure was quite high which he said NO to.   So they prescribed a higher dose of blood pressure medication for him to begin taking. The problem is my friend hates taking medication of any kind!


Wearing shoes while crossing a hot street works, using glasses to read works, and wearing warm clothing when its 30 degrees below zero works well too. You can get along without using these things, but there are consequences and some of them are dire, like death!

My friend is happily married, has wonderful children, grandchildren, siblings, and many friends that would be devastated if he did not do everything in his power to keep traveling through his life for many, many years to come.

In the past, people died from high blood pressure because it went undetected. We have so many advances today in medicine and I for one take my medications faithfully each morning. If I died tomorrow, I am ready because I have had the most amazing life. I know my friend feels the same way, but helping your body to continue doing its job seems like a small thing to do in the scheme of things.




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One Comment

  1. Betty

    May 27, 2018 at 4:20 am

    My Dad passed away. They say he had a stroke but I think it was his bottle.


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