Home Eclectic Stuff Nude Resort Etiquette, Walking Mistakes, Branding

Nude Resort Etiquette, Walking Mistakes, Branding

This Top-Rated North Carolina Restaurant is Actually at a Gas Station

Courtesy Catherine Smith

People rarely rave about the meals they eat at gas stations, but that is not the case in Franklin, North Carolina. Hungry diners – locals and tourists alike – happily line up in the Hot Spot gas station parking lot, waiting for a table at Caffe Rel, a European bistro offering a one-of-a-kind culinary experience.

Chef Richard at Caffe Rel's dessert counter
Chef Richard stands before Caffe Rel’s delicious dessert counter. Photo courtesy of Zaier Katz

Random Acts of Canine Kindness

Cedric the Dog heals his wounds after an ill fated attempt to shut down an illegal puppy mill in Tennessee.

You want a friend in Washington? Get a dog. – Harry S. Truman

MORE Dog Quotations

10 Walking Mistakes You May be Making

Courtesy Wendy Bumgardner

walking mistakes

Walking is great exercise: It’s easy on joints and doesn’t require special gear or a gym membership. There’s more to an effective walking workout than simply putting one foot in front of the other though. Learn how to correct these common trip-ups.


Branding for a Changing World

Courtesy Gary Szenderski, Book of Szen

Traveling Boy logo

Ever wonder what happens behind the scenes of a great brand? Have you thought it must be some kind of “secret sauce” or unique algorithm that makes it so great? What about your own brand? Are you sure how to take advantage of what makes it special? You have questions. We have answers. Join me beginning April 1st as we explore the science and art of branding.


Mushing Mania

dog mushing in Alaska

This winter kicks off mushing season in Alaska, with festivals and races that are legendary worldwide. Here’s how to have an adventure with these animal athletes any time of year.


Some Very Interesting World War II Facts

German troops in Stalingrad, 1942
German troops in Stalingrad, 1942. (Original photo courtesy of the German Federal Archive. Photo retouched by Ruffneck88, via Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0.)

Four of every five German soldiers killed in the war died on the Eastern Front.

Over 100,000 Allied bomber crewmen were killed over Europe.

Had it been necessary for a third atom bomb, the city targeted would have been Tokyo.

The Siege of Stalingrad resulted in more Russian deaths (military and civilian) than the United States, Canada and Britain sustained (combined) in all of World War II.


Meet the Woman Who Helped Book Hotel Rooms for 80 Homeless People in Freezing Chicago

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11 Etiquette Rules You Probably Didn’t Realize You Should Follow When Flying

Courtesy Carina Wolff

airplane rules on luggages

When it comes to traveling, most of us spend our time trying to figure out what to pack and what our itinerary looks like. With all that hustle and bustle, we can sometimes get so caught up in ourselves that we forget some etiquette rules to follow when flying. Spending long hours in a cramped space can cause some sticky situations, but if you’re doing your best to be courteous and polite, you’ll help yourself and everyone have around you have a more enjoyable journey. Plus, you would want everyone else to act the same, right?

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LA Road Trippin’ – A Musical Map of Los Angeles

Courtesy Air New Zealand

Whisky a Go-Go, Los Angeles
Photo by Mike Dillon, via Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0

When you think of Los Angeles, it’s easy to imagine sun-drenched streets, impossibly-beautiful people – and, of course, great music. This is a guide to the top musical hotspots in LA which continue to inspire today’s musicians, from areas which launched rap superstars to the cities which have inspired thousands of great songs.

If you’re flying to LA, take some time out to explore its musical history and get closer to the places which inspired the music you love.


Paul McCartney’s Lost ‘Bruce McMouse Show’ Film Heading to Theaters

By Jon Blistein/RollingStone

Paul McCartney with Linda McCartney
Paul McCartney with Linda McCartney. Photo courtesy of Jim Summaria, via Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0.

The Bruce McMouse Show opens with Wings performing “Big Barn Bed,” after which the camera travels through the stage into an animated world where the McMouse family lives. While Bruce McMouse shares stories from his past with his family, his son runs in and informs him that Wings are currently playing right above them. Bruce decides that the band needs his help as a producer, and as the concert continues, a host of animated mice flock to the stadium to enjoy the show.


The Coolest New Things Coming to America This Year

Courtesy Thrillist Travel

The State Hotel is a contemporary downtown Seattle boutique hotel, located steps from Pike Place Market with easy access to the Seattle waterfront. Photo courtesy The State Hotel

As a species, we are forever enamored of new things. As we look ahead to what 2019 will bring, we at Thrillist get particularly hyped about what new attractions we can expect.


How to Meditate

Courtesy David Gelles

Jane Asher, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Cynthia Lennon, Pattie Boyd, George Harrison, Maureen Starr and Ringo Starr pose with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Jane Asher, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Cynthia Lennon, Pattie Boyd, George Harrison, Maureen Starr and Ringo Starr pose with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi at the International Academy of Meditation (1968). Photo courtesy: Reddit

Meditation is a simple practice available to all, which can reduce stress, increase calmness and clarity and promote happiness. Learning how to meditate is straightforward, and the benefits can come quickly. Here, we offer basic tips to get you started on a path toward greater equanimity, acceptance and joy.


A Taste of Iceland

Courtesy Tony Tedeschi, Never Stop Traveling

Iceland scene
Photo courtesy: James Boitano

8 Popular Destinations Where Air Pollution Could Ruin Your Trip

Air pollution does a lot more than cause canceled or postponed vacations — it kills millions of people worldwide every year, according to the World Health Organization. Some of the worst places for air pollution are also home to bucket-list-worthy sights. But missing them might be the least of your problems if smog ramps up during your visit: Symptoms of air pollution sickness include nausea, coughing, headache, itchy eyes — and air pollution can cause long-term breathing problems.

Here are some of the worst destinations for smog, especially if you already suffer from asthma or other respiratory problems.


fog and smog at the Taj Mahal, Agra, India
Photo courtesy of Adithya0376, via Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0

The Taj Mahal attracts thousands of travelers every day, but the city it’s in is one of the worst in the world for air pollution. Smog in Agra can cut visibility so dramatically that you can’t see much more than an outline of the giant tomb, and visitors who don’t cancel their trip during a period of heavy smog can be seen wearing face masks to visit.


Nude Resort Etiquette Rules You Need to Know

Courtesy Patricia Magaña

Aside from a few key considerations, nude resort etiquette is general resort etiquetteThere’s also the fact that most everyone is naked. Skip the potential awkwardness at a clothing-optional experience and go with an open mind, plus these helpful tips.

Dont’ stare

Nude resort newbies may experience initial shock at the sight of a sea of nakedness. It’s fine to look. What is not OK, however, is to stare. You’ll quickly get the hang of it, but if you’re not used to engaging in eye-contact and conversation with someone who’s totally exposed, wear sunglasses whenever appropriate.


Hard Day's Night 2017

Question: The Beatles pioneered electric guitar feedback on what hit single?

Scroll down for the answer

Beginner’s Guide to Train Holidays: Swiss Glacier Express

There is something glamorous about taking a train holiday. You’re traveling the world, but you also get the chance to relax and enjoy the journey. Sip tea, listen to live music, enjoy a five-star meal, all while the gorgeous scenery provided by Mother Nature glides past. The Swiss Glacier Express is all that and more.

Glacier Express train in Swiss Alps landscape


The World’s Most Sung About Cities

An interesting piece of research has revealed The World’s Most Sung About Cities and 12 of the top 20 are in the US.

the London Eye
Photo courtesy The London Eye

With a total of 161 songs mentioning The Big Apple, New York has been officially revealed as The Most Sung About City In The World, with LA and Miami also appearing in the top five.

Over 200,000 songs have been analyzed to create Music Mapped – a first-of-its-kind interactive music map that plots the places around the world that have been  mentioned the most in songs since the 1960s.


Live the Dream on a Romantic Adventure in Africa with African Travel, Inc.

African safari

There’s nothing more magnificent than celebrating a special romantic occasion in Africa. Whether you’re planning a honeymoon, wedding or anniversary, you’ll experience the romantic trip of your dreams with African Travel, Inc. by touching an ancient culture, discovering the magic of the wild and relaxing in spectacular luxury.


Martin Scorsese’s Film on Bob Dylan’s ‘Rolling Thunder Revue’ To Be Released

By Chris Willman, courtesy Variety

Netflix describes Scorsese’s look at Dylan and famous friends in ’75 as part documentary, part concert movie and part “fever dream.”

Bob Dylan in 1978
Bob Dylan. Photo courtesy of Chris Hakkens, via Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 2.0.

For years, rumors have circulated among Bob Dylan fans that a documentary about his legendary, star-studded “Rolling Thunder Revue” tour of 1975-76 was in the works, and occasional whispers had a name attached: Martin Scorsese. Now, the cat can come officially out of the bag. Variety has exclusively learned that Netflix plans to release the movie in 2019, with the director’s name actually in the title: “Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story by Martin Scorsese.”


Revolutionize Your Healthy Travel Game

Courtesy Well and Away

panoramic shot of Vancouver

Traditional guidebooks are handy for learning about museums and city landmarks. But would you ever reach for one to explore a new city like a local?

We had this challenge, and for years traveled with bookmarked pdfs and digital lists from friends, but the research that went into curating the perfect itinerary that balanced cool hidden gems with healthy destinations. So together with a small team of travelers, designers and wellness junkies, I’ve created Well + Away to offer the guidebook of the future: one that will show you a new city from the point of view of a hip-healthy local.


Typical French Restaurant Vocabulary: How to Order in Paris

Words and Phrases You’ll Need to Eat Out

Courtesy Courtney Traub

ordering at a French restaurant
Photo courtesy of Brasserie Gallopin

Are you a bit nervous about eating out in Paris or elsewhere in France, worried you may not be able to get by without fluent French? Use this guide to learn basic expressions and understand most signs and menu headings at restaurants in Paris.


15 Surprising Things TSA Allows Past Airport Checkpoints

By Benet Wilson

Some items — like guns (real or replica), large scissors and flammable liquids — are never allowed. But the agency continues to make changes when it comes to what can get past the checkpoint.

Below are 15 surprise items you can actually take past the checkpoint. But in case you still have questions, you can take a photo of the item and send it to either AskTSA on Facebook Messenger or via Twitter. Staff are online with answers from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. ET during the week and 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekends and holidays


Burping Is Good Manners & 25 Other Global Etiquette Surprises

Courtesy The Daily Meal Staff

a cup of Cappuccino

In Italy, Never Order A Cappuccino After A Meal

When you’re dining the Italian way, be sure to order an espresso or a coffee after a meal. Do not order a cappuccino, as Italians believe milk beverages slow down digestion.

You’re probably not visiting any Inuit tribes soon, but it’s interesting to know that this culture shows appreciation through… flatulence? Yup, a good meal is praised by letting one rip afterward.

MORE Global Etiquette Surprises

Deb's Poetry Break

The Spring

By Lord Byron

Now that the winter’s gone, the earth hath lost
Her snow-white robes, and now no more the frost
Candies the grass, or casts an icy cream
Upon the silver lake or crystal stream;
But the warm sun thaws the benumbed earth,
And makes it tender; gives a sacred birth
To the dead swallow; wakes in hollow tree
The drowsy cuckoo and the humble-bee.
Now do a choir of chirping minstrels bring
In triumph to the world the youthful spring.
The valleys, hills, and woods in rich array
Welcome the coming of the long’d-for May.
Now all things smile; only my love doth lour;
Nor hath the scalding noonday sun the power
To melt that marble ice, which still doth hold
Her heart congeal’d, and makes her pity cold.
The ox, which lately did for shelter fly
Into the stall, doth now securely lie
In open fields; and love no more is made
By the fireside, but in the cooler shade
Amyntas now doth with his Chloris sleep
Under a sycamore, and all things keep
Time with the season; only she doth carry
June in her eyes, in her heart January.

Send Deb your favorite travel poems

Abbey Road album cover art
Iain Macmillan, courtesy Apple Corps/via REUTERS

Beatle Beat Trivia Answers

Question: The Beatles pioneered electric guitar feedback on what hit single?

Answer: In the opening note of the 1964 song, “I Feel Fine,” Paul plucks a note on his bass, which causes John to get amplifier feedback from his guitar.  The idea was the brainchild of John, who plays the lead-guitar intro riff.

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