Home Raoul's TGIF A Mexican Buys Socks

A Mexican Buys Socks

Raoul’s 2 Cents

Bitten by the Virus

A teenager behind me was coughing in church last Sunday. Now I’ve got this very dry cough. I don’t think it’s the infamous Corona virus … it’s too mild and I don’t think it’ll get any worse but I’m keeping out of the public to protect the world from me.

I was lying in bed, pondering what to do with this illness and my over-active brain started lyrics to a popular music. So I jotted the words down and came up with this silly  song sang to the tune of “My Sharona“:

They tell me not to touch … not to touch!
The railings of a stair … or a bus!
They tell me not to shake … or to hug!
And it’s all because … just because … of
My Corona!

Wear a face mask, do not sneeze … do not cough
Do not breath the air of someone six feet from you … spray the air
… just because … of the bug … of
My! My! My Corona!!!

With all the negative news about the deadly virus, I just feel I needed to lighten the mood a little. I hope you don’t mind. Of course we should all take the necessary precaution and balance reality with panic. And of course, pray for those who are in dire straits. Hey, if you have to get sick, you might as well enjoy it … but this is just me. TGIF people!


“He is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord.”
— Psalm 112:7

Joke of the Week

Thanks to Peter Paul of S Pasadena, CA  for sharing this joke.

TGIF Joke of the Week: Mexican Buys Socks

Don’s Puns

Sent by Don of Kelowna, B.C.

Don's Puns: My Fingers

Video: CDC Warning

Thanks to Tony of Carson City, CA for sharing this video. I thought this was a joke but it actually happened. Gives you a lot of confidence in the CDC, doesn’t it?

Video: Wear Your Mask

Warning: this may seem insensitive to some.

Thanks to Don of Kelowna, B.C. for sharing this video:

Wear Your Mask

Parting Shot

Thanks to Arnel of Houston, Texas who sent this joke.

Parting Shot: Saturday Night Fever


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  1. Lee

    March 16, 2020 at 5:36 pm

    I found this Coronavirus parody last month pa. Sayang, only Filipinos can understand:



  2. Ed

    March 16, 2020 at 5:38 pm

    Love the pun and Illustrations.

    I hope your health is restored.

    Just checked with my wife who is a nurse: dry cough not one of the symptoms.



  3. Rey

    March 16, 2020 at 5:39 pm

    MY MY MY CORONA!!! You should just set that to music video tape yourself and post it on YOUTUBE, I bet it would go viral (no pun intended).

    Kind regards,



  4. Tom

    March 16, 2020 at 5:41 pm

    Great Two cents worth. This Panic is worse than the disease. Makes Faith in God an important thing to have and enjoy.
    Onward Christian Soldiers and Amazing Grace along with the songs like I Believe along with your contribution gives me peace and Tranquillity.


  5. Chuck

    March 16, 2020 at 5:42 pm

    Haapy Friday Raoul,

    Everytime there is a Friday the 13th on the calendar, I join my ol’ former associates from the now defunct, Title Insurance & Trust originally on Spring St. and 4th in Los Angeles for an Alumni reunion at Clearman’s The Hat in San Gabriel – we go in part to see who is still alive and kicking, we usually have around 70 or so show up, this one today has been canceled due to the Corona virus and not encouraging large gatherings. Hopefully we will still be around for the November, Friday 13 gathering. In the meantime in the tradition of St. Paddy’s I will stay home and maybe have the Mexican antidote – A cold Corona or maybe a Modelo.

    The most surprising thing about this event is that South Korea is doing 20,000 tests daily for their citizens, and the U.S. cannot seem to accomplish that as a total number for us. I heard Dr Goodman from Stanford today say that his children are more concerned for him as an elderly person than they are for themselves – as the young might be carriers but are not in as much danger as elderly people. How can we know if we can’t test. Turn of events.


    (:>}) – Chuck


  6. Gary

    March 16, 2020 at 5:42 pm

    Raoul, I have been humming that tune in my head for day!!! Not those words but the (My Corona) part.

    That is too funny. Thank you for your creativity and your sense of humor.

    All the best to you and your family,



  7. Rick

    March 16, 2020 at 5:44 pm

    Hi Bro,The CDC Video and The wear Your Mask Video are too funny! Always good to never lose our sense of humor. Thanks Bro and take care!


  8. Vanessa

    March 16, 2020 at 5:46 pm

    Hi Raoul: I hope you will be feeling better soon. I was actually planning on sending you the cute video of the Britt demonstrating the patriotic undies.



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