Home Raoul's TGIF Covid Gags

Covid Gags

Raoul’s 2 Cents


I drove my son-in-law to the hospital today. My daughter was preoccupied helping the kids with their zoom school. The nurses and doctors looked at me quizzically because no one drives his son-in-law to the hospital. Actually, my son-in-law planned to take Uber to the hospital but it was my choice to drive him there. With not much to do, I started drawing my cartoons for this TGIF edition. One of the nurses was curious and so I asked her if she wanted a caricature. I asked her to remove her face mask but she couldn’t break the rules. It almost felt like I was asking her to undress. So I drew her with her face mask on. She loved it. Another nurse saw what I had done and she had her caricature done as well. It feels so good to be able to gift someone with my art.  I was actually wondering if the new normal would prevent me from doing live caricatures again but today, I see that it is still possible.

On the way to the hospital my son-in-law and I talked about the coming presidential elections. He was confused about who to vote for because he saw disappointed with his choices. So I told him he should look at the accomplishments more than the rhetoric. Many voters have already made up their minds about who NOT to vote for. Many believe things wouldn’t … couldn’t …  get any worse. Really?

In a previous TGIF edition I mentioned that Abraham Lincoln did the right moral thing (to free the slaves) but was hated by many of his slave-owning constituents. His unpopular decision justified John Wilkes Booth’s assassination of Lincoln. Mr. Booth and his party believed anyone BUT Lincoln would do a better job as president. Do you know who Lincoln’s Vice President was and who took over the presidential duties? It was Andrew Johnson. He was Black America’s worst nightmare. He didn’t want to free the slaves. He tried to block and reverse Lincoln’s decisions for Black equality. He was so bad he narrowly wiggled his way out of impeachment by just one Senate vote. Johnson is considered by many as one of the worst Presidents of America.

May I suggest something (whether you swing right or left)? Try to be objective about the record of your candidate. Let your candidates accomplishments (or failures) resonate more than the words that come out of their mouths. Don’t just follow blindly. Observe. If you really do that, then I don’t really care which way you vote because, either way, you would be voting from an informed viewpoint.

Be safe, be healthy, and remember: Truth doesn’t always come from a good storyteller.  TGIF people!


Voltaire Quote

Joke of the Week

Thanks to Mel of Washington, D.C. for sharing these COVID gags.

TGIF Joke: Covid Gag 1

TGIF Joke: Covid Gag 2

TGIF Joke: Covid Gag 3

TGIF Joke: Covid Gag 4

TGIF Joke: Covid Gag 5

TGIF Joke: Covid Gag 6

Video: Italian Flash Mob at the Hospital

Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA.
If you like opera (and even if you don’t), you’ve gotta hear this singer’s amazing voice.

Don’s Puns

Thanks to Don of Kelowna, B.C. who sent this pun.

Don's Puns: Nothing to Chauffeur for It

Parting Shots

Thanks to Chuck of Whittier, CA

Parting Shot: Oxymoron Toon

Thanks to Art of Sierra Madre, CA

Parting Shots: Scotland or Whales

Thanks to Ray of Burbank, CA

Parting Shot: Inadequate Brain

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  1. Lee

    August 17, 2020 at 8:57 am

    Thanks Raoul! I enjoyed the humor and also the quite from Voltaire. My favorite from his is “Unfortunately, the only person who remeasures me every time he sees is my tailor.”


  2. Tom

    August 17, 2020 at 9:09 am

    Thanks Raoul, spectacular issue, yesterday I was in a Doctors Office being probed and complaining loudly with grunts and groans and my wife was telling me to pipe down to keep from disturbing other patients. and the Dr. suggested I Sing something to ease the frustration so I picked ”Summertime from Porgy and Bess ” He stopped and stared for awhile and announced that on his wedding night in Montreal he suggested that song be sung for he and his wife at Dinner.
    He was perplexed as to how I would pick that to sing/ as he had a hard time getting it sung in Canada. I sang it on a search for Talent on Channel 5 as a kid and it has stayed in my brain all this time.

    Tom of Pasadena


  3. Betty of Australia

    August 17, 2020 at 9:09 am

    Thank you for making me smile ( really big) today. Can you also make me a caricature I can frame, coloured ha. Will I send you a photo? Thanks, heaps, Betty


  4. Don W

    August 20, 2020 at 1:37 pm

    Hi Raoul,

    that was a very good commentary you gave in this edition.

    Don W


  5. Pia

    September 4, 2020 at 9:50 am

    Hey Raoul!

    I like what you said in today’s TGIF article! Have you read the entire speech of Teddy Roosevelt about men who step into the boxing arena and they get beat up but they are the real men…versus the men who are outside the ring and yell and boo and say nasty things from the safety of their seats? It’s like what you said. Some people just like to complain and do nothing with their lives. While others jump in and try different ways to make the world a better place with God’s guidance…even if they’re not sure it will work.


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