Home Eclectic Stuff Reimagined Historical Figures, Why Costa Rica

Reimagined Historical Figures, Why Costa Rica

Curated by Ed Boitano

Designer Becca Saladin Reimagines Famous Historical Figures as Modern People Living Today

Julius Caesar digitally reimagined by Becca Saladin
Julius Caesar digitally reimagined by Becca Saladin

Courtesy of Jessica Stewart 

From Julius Caesar to Anne Boleyn, Becca Saladin spends hours modernizing historical figures through expert digital manipulation.

First, a little about graphic designer Becca Saladin.


It Will Take 20M Antibacterial Wipes to Clean the World’s Biggest Theme Park!

Chimelong Ocean Kingdom in China’s Disney World
The world’s largest aquarium, Chimelong Ocean Kingdom in China’s Disney World will cost $17m and 20.7 million antibacterial wipes to clean! PHOTO BY SHASHA ZHUHAI, VIA WIKIMEDIA COMMONS / CC BY-SA 4.0.

Courtesy Laura Solloway

Online interest in theme parks has increased by 65% in the past three months, as we get excited for whenever restrictions will ease.


Singer/Musician/Composer Stacey Kent on Hit Series, Our City Tonight

Hosts Jim Gordon and Leeta Liepins ask Ms. Kent compelling question about her life as a musician during the Covid pandemic. Her answers are profound and thought provoking.

Global Rescue: Going into the Wilderness

Spring is here and people restless from the pandemic protocols will start hitting the trails, pitching camp site tents, and exploring the great outdoors.

survival kit

“Going into the wilderness means you are entering some level of a survival situation. There are many emergencies and contingencies in the backcountry that do not have a medical requirement. For these instances, you need survival equipment,” said Harding Bush, a former Navy SEAL and the senior survival instructor at the U.S. Navy Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE) Course in Rangeley, Maine.

What to Pack in a Survival Kit

Asian Americans Grieve, Organize in Wake of Atlanta Attacks

Asian Americans were already worn down by a year of pandemic-fueled racist attacks when a white gunman was charged with killing eight people, most of them Asian women, at three Atlanta-area massage parlors.

“It didn’t help with former president Trump referring to the COVID-19 pandemic as the Kung Fu virus. Recently there were seven propaganda incidents with direct anti-China references to COVID-19.” – Ed Boitano

massacre of Chinese-Americans at Rock Springs, Wyoming
A history of violence: Massacre of Chinese-Americans at Rock Springs, Wyoming. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, PUBLIC DOMAIN, VIA WIKIMEDIA COMMONS.

Hundreds of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders turned to social media to air their anger, sadness, fear and hopelessness. The hashtag #StopAsianHate was a top trending topic on Twitter hours after the shootings that happened Tuesday evening.


Extreme Places: A Night in an Ice Hotel Video

Courtesy DW Travel

Europe at its most extreme: the series “Europe to the Maxx” in DW’s lifestyle and culture magazine “Euromaxx” makes Europe’s superlatives experienceable ― from extraordinary architecture and spectacular landscapes to unique cultural phenomena. Accompanying the series, the book “111 extreme places in Europe that you shouldn’t miss” was published in cooperation with Emons Verlag. An alternative travel guide, both informative and entertaining. For avid travelers, fans of Europe and anyone who likes to show off with unusual pub quiz trivia. Full of guaranteed record breakers!


Twenty Essential English Language Films Noir (1940-2021)

T-Boy Society of Film & Music

But first, what is a Film Noir?

The term film noir, French for ‘black film’ (literal) or ‘dark film’ (closer meaning), was first applied to Hollywood films by French critic Nino Frank in 1946, but was unrecognized by the Hollywood establishment of that era. Marked by a mood of pessimism, fatalism, and menace; its style is often characterized by cynical heroes, stark lighting effects and set design, intricate plots, and an underlying existentialist philosophy.  Highly influenced by German Expressionist cinema of the 1910s and 1920s, film historians generally define the genre retrospectively, focusing primarily on American crime dramas of the post-World War II era.

a scene from the movie 'Out of the Past'
Robert Mitchum and Jane Greer in “Out of the Past,” a 1947 film by Jacques Tourneur. ORIGINAL PROPERTY RIGHTS HOLDER: RKO RADIO PICTURES, PUBLIC DOMAIN, via WIKIMEDIA COMMONS.
See Top 20 Films Noir

8 Bizarre Reasons Why Passengers Get Kicked Off Planes

body temperature check for passengers

Courtesy Evie Carrick, Travel and Leisure

From smelling bad to wearing sagging pants, these are some of the most unusual reasons people have gotten kicked off planes.


From a Small, Rural Schoolhouse, One Teacher Challenged Nativist Attacks Against Immigration

Courtesy Ross Benes

In the wake of World War I, rabid anti-German sentiment led to the arrest, later deemed unjust by the U.S. Supreme Court, of Robert Meyer.


What Americans Abroad Should Not Expect



The fluffy flour-based pancakes that American’s have come to love at breakfast time (or for brinner) just aren’t found abroad. French crêpes are too thin. The Japanese version (okonomiyaki) is too thick and most often topped with savory things like meat, seafood, and cabbage.



Why Costa Rica Is One of the Best Vacation Destinations in the World

a scenery in Costa Rica

From the rainforests to the beaches, these are the top reasons you need to visit Costa Rica.

Courtesy Andrea Romano

Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica
In 1968 the Arenal Volcano violently erupted, burying almost six sq. miles under rocks, lava and ash; eventually killing 87 people and destroying three small villages. I met a travel writer who’s been to Arenal three times, but has never actually seen the volcano due to cloud cover. Color me lucky. PHOTO COURTESY OF DEB ROSKAMP.

It’s no wonder, considering that there’s literally something for everyone when you plan a getaway there. Costa Rica is known for its incredible national parks, where tourists can enjoy some thrilling activities like river rafting, canyoning, cave tubing, and zip lining. It’s also one of the best places for animal lovers to discover some interesting wildlife like macaws, sea turtles, and adorable sloths.


Check Out 5 of Our Top 10 Favorite International Destinations, Now Open For Business

Courtesy Austin Adventures

Fort Lovrijenac and Fort Bokar, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Fort Lovrijenac (upper left) and Fort Bokar (lower right), Dubrovnik, Croatia. PHOTO BY EDWARDWEXLER AT ENGLISH WIKIPEDIA, VIA WIKIMEDIA COMMONS / CC BY-SA 3.0.

Week by week, safe travel beyond borders has become more viable for eager adventurers. We are excited to share a countdown of our top 10 international destinations that are open and safely navigating the new travel world. This week we are revealing the first five accessible destinations and stay tuned, next week we’ll release the last five in the top 10 countdown!


The 16-Year-Old Chinese Immigrant Who Helped Lead a 1912 US Suffrage March

Mabel Ping-Hua Lee fought for the rights of women on two sides of the world.

Mabel Ping-Hua Lee

Courtesy of Michael Lee

In 1900, at a time when the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 banned most Chinese immigration and reflected a climate of deep anti-Asian prejudice, 9-year-old Mabel Ping-Hua Lee came to America from China on a scholarship to attend school. At 16, she would cement her place in women’s suffrage history, helping to lead a storied New York City march.

But while she fought for women’s voting rights, she herself would not be eligible to cast a ballot for decades after the 19th Amendment was ratified in 1920. That’s because the Exclusion Act prohibited Chinese immigrants from obtaining any rights of American citizenship.


Extreme Places: A Night in an Ice Hotel

Spending a night in ice and snow is possible in the far north of Europe. The “Icehotel” in Jukkasjärvi, Sweden, was built back in 1989, making it the first of its kind ― and therefore part of our “Extreme Places” series.

Courtesy Hendrik Welling, DW reporter

the Icehotel in Jukkasjärvi, Sweden

A visit to an ice hotel isn’t exactly the first choice if you prefer to spend your holidays under palm trees in warmer climes. But if you can manage to overcome your fear of freezing, you’ll be rewarded with a unique natural experience.


Deb's Poetry Break

Along With Youth

By Ernest Hemingway

A porcupine skin,
Stiff with bad tanning,
It must have ended somewhere.
Stuffed horned owl
Yellow eyed;
Chuck-wills-widow on a biassed twig
Sooted with dust.
Piles of old magazines,
Drawers of boy’s letters
And the line of love
They must have ended somewhere.
Yesterday’s Tribune is gone
Along with youth
And the canoe that went to pieces on the beach
The year of the big storm
When the hotel burned down
At Seney, Michigan.

Send Deb your favorite travel poems

Earth’s Mountains May Have Mysteriously Stopped Growing for a Billion Years

the Appalachians

Courtesy MAYA WEI-HAA, National Geographic

Starting about 1.8 billion years ago, the planet’s continental crust thinned, slowing the flow of nutrients into the sea and possibly stalling the evolution of life.


Archaeologists Discover What May Have Been World’s Oldest Brewery in Egypt

The remains date back to 3100 B.C.

Egyptian woman pouring beer

Courtesy of Cailey Rizzo

Archaeologists may have found the remains of the world’s oldest brewery buried in Egypt.

The potentially 5,000-year-old beer factory in the city of Abydos dates back to the reign of King Narmer — around 3100 B.C. — the country’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities confirmed this month in a press release.


5 Things Science Says Will Make You Happier

Research-backed habits that will improve your outlook and positive attitude

By Nataly Kogan
Medically reviewed by Daniel B. Block, MD

happy friends

It’s easy to assume that things like money and a luxurious lifestyle lead to happiness, but research shows that it’s the more simple experiences — like practicing gratitude or spending time with friends — that promote a sunny outlook.

Whether you need to shift from negative thoughts or want to continue a streak of positivity, here are five ways to boost happiness every day.

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