Home Raoul's TGIF Indian Bank Loan

Indian Bank Loan

Raoul’s 2 Cents

The Two Boys

I’ve been thinking a lot about my grand kids lately. I have two boys who are a delight to watch. I still picture them chalk drawing in their patio and taking turns sweeping the food particles under the dining table. The older is more reserved, thoughtful and soft spoken, The younger is full of energy, excitable and full of wonderment. Despite the isolation due to the pandemic, they somehow are able to entertain themselves. And I have to hand it to my daughter and her husband who find ways (despite their extremely busy work) to carve time to bring them to basketball practice, Taekwondo and music lessons. So the boys are well rounded in sports, music and academics. The older helps the younger and the younger looks up to the older. Sure, they get into fights like all other kids but I can tell they really get along. They are the best of friends.

They are only separated by a year. Their Mom was still nursing the older when they announced that she was pregnant again. We were so concerned that it would be impossible to raise 2 babies at the same time — especially with both parents working full time. It was indeed difficult but God works in mysterious ways and they got through those years. I’d like to say that I played a big role in this but no. Even though I offered to help, the parents were determined to do it on their own. And so far they’ve succeeded. Dad set the boys with their own computer. And even when left alone, they know what to do for their online school. Last week, the younger was presented a student of the  week award while the older garnered the student of the month award.

I enjoy sharing meals with them because I get to listen to their innocent prayers. I know what they’re concerned about and I know what they praise God for. Their faith is strong. And I couldn’t ask for anything more. We aren’t rich and we still have struggles but I see how God has blessed us.

In a world full of political and economic uncertainties I can find an oasis in their home (you who have kids and grand kids — I’m sure you can relate). I do not take their faith in Jesus for granted. Like a garden, one needs to “water the plants” everyday. That’s why I pray for my family constantly. I also pray for you (my readers). I hope the jokes make you smile and I hope my sharing fills your heart.

Be safe, be healthy, and remember: Joy comes in many places; you can find it on top of a majestic mountain, among the dazzling coral reefs or in the living room watching Totoro with the grand kids for the first time. TGIF people!


O taste and see that the Lord is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!   — Psalm 34:8

Joke of the Week

Thanks to Peter Paul of South Pasadena, CA  for sharing this joke.

TGIF Joke of the Week: Indian Bank Loan 1
TGIF Joke of the Week: Indian Bank Loan 2

Video: Dog Apology

Thanks to Naomi of North Hollywood, CA
The cutest apology between siblings.

Video: The Practical Man

Thanks to Don of Kelowna, B.C.
 Follow the logic.

Don’s Puns

Thanks to Don of Kelowna, B.C. who sent this pun.

Don's Puns: Halitosis

Parting Shots

Thanks to Mel of Washington D.C.

Parting Shots: Spike in Morons

Thanks to Don of Kelowna, BC

Parting Shot: Time Served

Thanks to Mel of Washington D.C.

Parting Shot: Gravity is Natural


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  1. Betty

    November 27, 2020 at 7:10 pm

    Hello Raoul, I too pray for you, my dear long time cherished friends. Keep well and be safe .



  2. Rick

    November 27, 2020 at 7:11 pm

    Very heartwarming story regarding your wonderful grand kids and their very special parents. Thank you for sharing.

    Blessings to you and family my brother.



  3. Audrey

    November 27, 2020 at 7:12 pm

    Sounds like Mel of Washington DC is a trumper. 😫


  4. Tom

    November 27, 2020 at 7:13 pm

    Thanks for the Humor and Wisdom contained in these smile generating issues.
    Grandkids are fun to watch grow and develop into solid Citizens.
    Ten of them keep Me Entertained and in a State of Wonder.
    Faith development is of utmost need in their lives and will serve them forever .


  5. Teri

    November 27, 2020 at 7:14 pm

    That is exactly what my daughter does- same routine



  6. Heather

    November 27, 2020 at 7:15 pm

    My daughter Petty has been staying with me throughout the week so she can drive at the beach. Her almost 9 year old twin grandsons also come and they are doing online schooling. It is amazing how resilient children are these set of twins love each other so much it’s so beautiful to watch them relate to each other. Day to have no problem and retaining themselves whether they’re playing together or singly.

    I do not know when we’ll ever get back to normal. Or what the “new normal” will be. One day at a time works for me!


  7. Teri

    November 27, 2020 at 7:17 pm

    I love your posts – especially these days – I hope you know how much people enjoy them? I retired from the plumbing shop back in January to take care of my daughters newest baby – his name is E** & he is so precious – a year old just this month – I love it and am so blessed by him & his 6 year old brother – my daughter is also grateful as well- so important to have the support of family in this crazy world right now – my daughter is a nurse over at Keck USC – it’s a scary time for all of the health care workers right now – so I am out of the AC loop – it has been a hot & crazy year – I am so lucky & blessed – stay safe & thank you for Friday’s again – Teri


  8. Arnel

    November 27, 2020 at 7:18 pm

    There’s a joke spreading around: The US Congress will open an investigation whether God and the devil colluded to give Pres Trump the Covid-19 virus.

    I know it’s kinda sick joke. But this news would probably help to wake up those who are still skeptical that this pandemic in not a hoax. And to drill down the fact that Trump politicized this whole thing and the devastating results are there for the whole world to see. No better teacher than first hand experience.

    Sorry Raoul. You might hate me for being political. I love this adopted country as much as any other American who is proud of this country. And I am willing to diss it out with anybody.

    Take care and vote.


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