Home Raoul's TGIF Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law

Raoul’s 2 Cents

Friendly Enemies

I broke the Golden Rule … I talked politics with a friend whom I knew disagreed with my worldview and it didn’t turn out so well. I sensed a dark cloud hovering above my head because I felt bad that I made my friend feel bad..

What I thought was obvious empirical evidence meant nothing to my friend. I’m sure the feeling was mutual. Was this the end of our friendship? I hope not. Could two opposites continue to be friends? I hope so. Should we just avoid talking politics? It seems that way. How sad.

The “Notorious RBG” (Ruth Bayder Ginsberg) passed away a week ago. I knew little about her other than she was a steadfast liberal. Until recently I never knew she was best friends with her fellow Supreme Court justice, Antonin Scalia, who was a hard core conservative. They genuinely enjoyed each other’s company. They went on family trips together, joked with each other, etc. We need more of them in this deeply divided America, this delightful, dichotomous duo is my inspiration of the week.

Be safe, be healthy and remember: One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood. TGIF people!

Inner Demons


p.s. I had some very interesting comments from last week’s TGIF email. Join the conversation on this site’s TGIF section.

Joke of the Week

Thanks to Nani of San Juan, Rizal, Philippines  for sharing this joke.

TGIF Joke of the Week: Natural Law

Video: Crazy Hula Hoop

Thanks to Belen of Buena Park, California and Charlie of New Jersey

Video: Dog Torture

Thanks to Don of Kelowna, B.C.

Video: Hand Fishing

Thanks to Maling of New Manila, Philippines
Interesting way to catch a fish. Hard to believe.

Don’s Puns

Thanks to Don of Kelowna, B.C. who sent these puns.

Don's Puns: Burro vs Burrow

Parting Shots

Thanks to Maling of New Manila, Philippines

Parting Shots: Which Wire

Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA

Parting Shots: Husband's Brain vs. Wife's Brain

Thanks to Don of Kelowna, B.C.

Parting Shots: Laughing at Own Joke

Thanks to Mel of Washington, DC

Parting Shots: Creative or Losing Mind


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