Home Raoul's TGIF It Snowed this Morning

It Snowed this Morning

Raoul’s 2 Cents

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Doctor

Over two years ago I had pain coming from my lower abdomen. I started to wear a stomach belt hoping it would eventually go away. Wrong! On my next checkup, my doctor felt the bulge and told me I had a hernia — a hole in my stomach. If you have been reading my TGIF joke email for a while, you might recall I shared my appointment with Doc Hollywood who put a mesh on that sucker. This is a follow up story.

The operation went well. Unfortunately, the pain returned after the anesthesia wore off. My doctor said my discomfort was normal and that the pain would go away after a few weeks. Months rolled by but the pain got worse and I went back to wearing that stomach brace.

I went back to my regular doctor who felt the same hernia plus another one on the other side of my stomach — “you have a double hernia!” he declared. He said I should get an ultrasound before the surgery.

Because of the Covid situation, I never had the appointment made until a few weeks ago. All the while, the pain was on my side and I was wearing this band around my mid section for fear that hole would tear all the way open.

At the ultra sound room, the two attendants jabbed their probe up, down and side to side around my belly It took almost an hour. All the while I’m pointing where the pain was but all the while also wondering why it didn’t hurt anymore.

Back at home, I’m telling my wife I didn’t feel any pain anymore … maybe I should cancel the surgery. She looked at me strangely. The next day I get a confirmation from the doctor who analyzed the ultra sound images.

“I don’t know what to tell you Mr. Pascual … I do not see any hernia.”

“Doc, you may be right because I don’t feel any pain anymore.”

He couldn’t explain it. I couldn’t explain it. Dare I say I experienced a miracle?

The Pharisees (the religious leaders) asked the the blind man:  “how can this Jesus, a sinner who did not follow our religious laws, perform a miracle that made you see?” It was illogical, unbelievable, impossible. All the blind man could say was “I was blind but now I see.” (John 9)

I have no explanation. “I had a hernia … but now it’s gone.”

Miracles still exist. There is no formula. It is nothing we can boast of. God just gifts it to us. Please don’t minimize the miracles in your life. When we recognize these heavenly presents, we gain a greater understanding of how amazing HE is and how undeserving WE are. Count your blessings (your family, your work, your health … I’m sure there are a lot of them), bask in his warm embrace and share your joy and give hope to those who need it. We have an awesome God.

TGIF people!


“Jesus said ‘For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.’ ”  — John 9:39

Joke of the Week

Thanks to Don of Kelowna, B.C. for sharing this joke.

TGIF Joke of the Week: Patience Tested

Video: It’s Friday Mufasa

Thanks to Maling of New Manila, Philippines
I never saw someone so happy that it’s Friday.

Video: Getting a Room

Thanks to Don of Kelowna, BC for this very quick video

Parting Shots

Thanks to Mel of Washington, DC

Parting Shots: Worst Swimming Hole

Thanks to Peter Paul of South Pasadena, CA

Parting Shots: Give Less Advice

Another one from Peter Paul

Parting Shots: Hammered Rule Book

Thanks to Tom of Pasadena, CA

Parting Shots: Patience Tested


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  1. Regie

    February 6, 2021 at 4:15 am

    Nothing’s impossible with Him.


  2. Tom

    February 6, 2021 at 4:16 am

    Thanks Raoul. I believe in Miracles. Glad to hear you enjoyed receiving one. Great Art and Message . Tom of Pasadena


  3. Mayet

    February 6, 2021 at 4:16 am

    That’s an incredible story Raoul! So great you were blessed with a miracle! We do have an awesome God!


  4. Becca

    February 6, 2021 at 4:17 am

    I praise God above for your miracle. I have received a miracle pre-surgery of my hand and I have on video at my church concert shared the miracle or mom’s healing.

    GOD ALONE gets full credit. Thank you for sharing your story.

    How awesome is the ONE we serve!! Hallelujah!


  5. Heather

    February 6, 2021 at 4:17 am

    The Lord works in mysterious ways.


  6. Ed

    February 6, 2021 at 4:18 am

    Great illustrations…

    Sorry that you had double hernia. I believe your success stems from prayer and positive thinking… you’re good at that.

    I believe your snowman piece violated your own commandment of No Politics. This will, no doubt, alienate readers. Your attack of antifa illustrates the very thing in which you are attacking.


  7. Raffy

    February 6, 2021 at 4:19 am

    Raoul – Another good one. Please keep sharing with us your unique experiences. You make them so profound and soul searching.
    Best regards,


  8. Patrick

    February 11, 2021 at 5:04 am

    Raoul – It has been a long time since we spoke. I always enjoy your missives. The story about the snowman/woman/trans/vegan/homosexual/ etc. isn’t a joke. It is the sad state of our national narrative/culture as the ‘woke’ education/media/Wash DC are in charge of our government & culture. Biological boys competing against girls one of the most obvious. There will be a Soviet purge of conservatives who supported Trump’s policies, even if we did not support his personal behavior. I worry that the America we grew up in will not be there for our grandchildren. Parents need to remove their kid from any school that offers the 1619 curriculum.

    I feel the pandemic could be the beginning of our final days. I pray for my grandchildren daily that they will live in a God-centered USA! The policies of this president will make our youth more dependent on a secular government rather than self-reliant and a religious core.

    Have a great 2021 for you and yours.



  9. Rick

    February 11, 2021 at 5:05 am

    Great story! I am pleased to hear of your miracle, blessing or whatever you wish to call it. I am sure you were so very quick to thank God and that is what counts. I also thanked God for your blessing. My father used to always use the phrase, count your blessings. I picked that up over the years, and I always start my prayers by thanking God for all the blessings in my life.

    Enjoy your weekend and my best to the family.



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