Raoul’s 2 Cents
Home Creatures
Something went wrong with the program that launches my TGIF email. I couldn’t finish my email for this week, the way I want to. Sorry if you were hoping for some profound thoughts or interesting story but I’ve run out of time. I’ll just share a short story about the creatures in my home.
I’ve moved my office to the living room because our dog, Tonka, was feeling lonely. At first I didn’t know why he was howling like a wolf until I realized he only howled when my wife would leave for work. I figured that Tonka was actually mourning — mourning every morning (groan!) because I used to lock myself in my cave during office hours and Tonka would be left alone until my wife’s return at the end of the day. The 3 cats somehow weren’t enough to keep her happy. So here I am finishing my TGIF email in the living room to keep Tonka company. Still getting used to the dog licking my legs and the 3 cats parading in front of my computer — teasing me to pet them.
When our Shitzu passed away I was so heartbroken and I said I didn’t want any more pets. But my wife and daughter had other ideas. I resisted but it was futile. Now I’m surrounded by 4 furry animals everyday. It’s not fair! I don’t feed them, I don’t do any of the heavy lifting… I just give them a massage. Sigh!
Be safe, be healthy, and remember: God created pets to be loved even by pet haters like me. TGIF people!
Joke of the Week
Thanks to Don of Kelowna, B.C. for sharing this joke.
Video: Priestly Blessing
Thanks to Jayjay of Makati, Philippines
A humorous short clip of a priest blessing a child.
Video: A Man, A Dog and A Hummingbird
Thanks to Don of Kelowna, B.C.
Heartwarming: I didn’t know you could train hummingbirds. I see them in my garden all the time. Cute and fast little creatures.
Don’s Puns
Thanks to Don of Kelowna, B.C. who sent this pun.
Parting Shots (Senior Special)
Thanks to Mel of Washington D.C. for 2 senior gags
Also from Mel
We end with a set of Senior gags from Tom of Pasadena, CA