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Tag Archives: Great Britain

A Quiet Night at The Ritz London

the Ritz Lobby from Rotunda

The sounds of the city entering through the swinging door of the celebrated Ritz London late at night are strangely subdued, muffled under moisture-laden clouds hovering over a slumbering Piccadilly. This elaborate palace with its imposing pink-hued marble pillars standing tall, crystal chandeliers sparkling overhead, and floor-to-ceiling mirrors, is the perfect finale to a dream-filled London evening.

“A Royal Night Out” – The Adventures of Two Princesses – Currently on Netflix

A Royal Night Out poster

With the recently celebrated 75th Anniversary of VE Day, commemorating the end of World War II in Europe, A Royal Night Out, currently streaming on Netflix, couldn’t have been re-released at a more appropriate time. This delightful film, written by Trevor De Silva and Kevin Hood, and exquisitely directed by UK director Julian Jarroid (Brideshead Revisited,) was originally released by Lionsgate on May 8, 2015.

Get These Unusual and Remarkable Travel Books

'Britain from the Rails' by Benedict Le Vay

Are you still looking for that unique, even offbeat present? What about a book? Aaaah, but not just any book, the travel related books featured here are ones you’ll wish you’d known about before you read this article. In all my travels and in what I read, I always seek out the truly distinctive and out of the ordinary, and the following 4 books are in that category

“Chewton Glen” Sounds Scottish! It’s Actually “The Best Luxury Resort in England”

the entrance to Chewton Glen

If I told you one of the most romantic ways to get to one of Britain’s most spectacular resorts is by cruise ship, you might think I’d gone – as the British might say – a little batty. Then again consider it serves up a typically Upper Crust, very High Society drink called Pimms Number One. Believe me, it’s the most refreshing drink this side of London.