Traveling Boy Charities, Travel
News, Trivia, Quotations, Videos, Poetry, Deals & Steals
Happy 4th of July from the staff at TravelingBoy
We have designated this Independence Day to think
of those who suffer from great sorry and misfortune. Here are
some of our favorite charities.
The 2017 Global Peace Index finds that the
world became more peaceful in the last year, however, over the
last decade it has become significantly less peaceful.

Frommer's Celebrates 60th Anniversary with
Vacation Giveaway
Was it really 60-years ago when Arthur
Frommer published the iconic Europe
on 5 Dollars a Day?" To mark the milestone anniversary,
Frommer is partnering with HomeAway,
offering free vacations to six military families.

Arthur Frommer was stationed in the Army in
Germany when he wrote his first travel guide.
(Photo: Frommer's)


Director: Richard Lester
Writing Credits: Lawrence Marcus (screenplay), John Haase
(novel), Barbara Turner (adaptation)
Cast: George C. Scott, Julie Christie, Joseph Cotten, Shirley
Knight, Arthur Hill, Richard Chamberlain
Music: John Barry
Cinematography: Nicolas Roeg
The Knack & How to Misuse It
A Look Back at Petulia
By Walt Mundkowsky

The Rich and Famous Get Their Own Terminal
at LAX
Courtesy Tim Winship, SmarterTravel
Los Angeles airport has a new terminal where
wealthy travelers can enjoy private suites and chauffeured BMW
rides across the tarmac to their gates.

The Most Affordable Countries to Visit in 2017
In the World Economic Forums Travel &
Tourism Competitiveness Report 2017, countries were given scores
on 14 sets of criteria. These are not your typical tourist destinations,
which can add to their price competitiveness.

Hands down, this Canadian gem is our pick for
the most hilarious, madcap travel show on the cybersphere.
In this zany episode, the Travel Guys take on

Money-Saving Tips all Travelers Should Try
As part of USA TODAYs new travel research
portal Embark,
an expert panel of travel bloggers has been assembled to share
their best advice to help you travel smarter, safer and more economically.

Solving the Puzzle: When the First Humans Arrived
in the Americas
A Newcastle University expert is leading a new
study which aims to resolve a longstanding debate about how and
when people first came to the Americas.

What Not to Wear in the Airport Security Line
Roll through security like a pro by avoiding the following
Courtesy: Smarter Travel
The best way to ease through airport security
is to dress for success. Certain garments and accessories could
get you flagged for extra screening, slowing down your progression
through the airport. Want to roll through the security line like
a pro? Avoid wearing the following attire:

How to Resolve Fights over Reclining Airplane
An investigation into the economics of reclining
Courtesy of Christopher Buccafusco & Christopher
Jon Sprigman, Evonomics
Not since the Battle of the Somme has such little
space been the subject of such intense conflict.


- What was the name of Ringos band before joining the
- How many films did John Lennon appear which were directed
by Richard Lester?
- George wrote Something about what woman?
- Who is the tallest Beatle?
The answers are revealed at the end of the column.
Countries That Require Visas for Americans
The State Departments Office of American
Citizens Services and Crisis Management (ACS) administers the
Consular Information Program, which informs the public of conditions
abroad that may affect their safety and security. Country Specific
Information, Travel Alerts, and Travel Warnings are vital parts
of this program.

Airplane-Provided Water, Ice, Coffee, or Tea
It's important to stay hydrated while flying,
but you're better off BYOW (Bringing Your Own Water) rather than
grabbing a free drink from the beverage cart.

Stay Informed, Stay Connected, Stay Safe!
The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) is
a free service to allow U.S. citizens and nationals traveling
abroad to enroll their trip with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

10 Urban Legends About Flying That Aren't True
Courtesy Caroline Morse, SmarterTravel
From terrifying tales about airplane bathrooms
to mid-flight door-opening fears, there are a lot of myths about
air travel flying around out there. Here are 10 urban legends
that just arent true.

Carry-on Luggage Tips for a Stress Free Security
Check-in at the Airport

Man Tried to Bite Flight Attendant, Jumped
From Plane
The man then made his way to the galley, pried
open the door and jumped. He appeared in federal court Friday
on a charge of assaulting/intimidating a flight crew member.
How Does the U.S.'s Amtrak Compare to China's
Bullet Trains?

Tipping Etiquette Around the Globe
If you are confused about tipping in other destinations,
we determined whats best to tip outside of North America.

8 Ways to Live Hygge While Traveling
Even if you dont know the word, you
know hygge when you feel it
Courtesy Ashley Rossi, SmarterTravel
After all its a feeling of comfort and coziness,
like a good conversation by the fire, a cup of steaming coffee
in a warm cafe on a cold day, or a blissful moment of contentedness
that holds you like a hug. And while travel is typically the opposite
of hygge, there are plenty of ways you can bring the concept to
your travels. Whether its the destination you pick or a
hotels design, here are eight ways you can be a hygge-happy
traveler. While youre at it, check out T-Boys A
24 Hour Quest for Hygge.

Random Acts of Canine Kindness

Cedric the Dog takes a well-earned break after
organizing a protest at a Mississippi puppy mill.

To a Mouse
A Red Red Rose
By Robert Burns
O, my Luve's like a red, red rose,
That's newly sprung in June.
O, my Luve's like a melodie
That's sweetly play'd in tune.
As fair as thou, my bonnie lass,
So deep in luve am I;
And I will love thee still, my dear,
Till a' the seas gang dry.
Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,
And the rocks melt wi' the sun:
I will love thess till, my dear,
While the sands o' life shall run:
And fare thee well, my only luve!
And fare thee weel, a while!
And I will come again, my luve,
Tho' it ware ten thousand mile.
Deb your favorite travel poems.

We Are All Terminal We Just Dont
Know Our Expiration Date
Addressing the elephant in the room about your
own death is something most couples avoid doing together and it
is a big mistake.

10 Strange Laws from Around the World
Courtesy SmarterTraveler
From a stiletto ban in Greece to the pinball crackdown
in South Carolina give travel a unique flavor.

Being on the ground in over 180 countries means you get
the full story.
Top 25 Most Interesting Webcams
Selected from hundreds of nominees by a panel
of EarthCam producers, EarthCam announces the most unique and
compelling webcams of the year.

Worldwide Vacation Rankings
U.S. News Travel's Best Vacations rankings identify
the top destinations by region and vacation type.

Operation Homefront
A national nonprofit, Operation Homefront leads
more than 4,500 volunteers with nationwide presence who provide
emergency and other financial assistance to the families of service
members and wounded warriors.

Together in Spirit The Best Friends
Animal Society
At the core of Best Friends Animal Society's work
is the dream that one day animals will no longer be killed in
America's shelters.

The Best Place to Find Cheap Flights

7 Frequent-Flyer Tricks Worth Learning
Master the art of earning miles, attaining elite
status, and working the system to earn free flights and other

Beatle Beat Trivia Hodgepodge Answers

Ringo with Rory Storm and the Hurricanes
1. What was the name of Ringo's band before joining
the Beatles?
A: Rory Storm & the Hurricanes
2. How many films did John Lennon appear that
were directed by Richard Lester?
A: Three: "A Hard Days Night," "Help!"
and "How I Won the War."

Pattie & George
3. George wrote Something about what woman?
A: Harrison's first wife, Pattie Boyd. Also the inspiration
for Clapton's "Layla" and "Wonderful Tonight."
She later became Clapton's wife.
4. Who is the tallest Beatle?
A: Official Beatle stats indicate John, Paul & George
were all listed at 5 11.5. Ive been informed
by a number of sources, though, that John was really shorter.
Hard to tell with those Cuban-healed Beatle Boots.